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Created June 13, 2022 15:44
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Magento 2 ACL Report Generator: Utility for creating a flat list of all ACL entries in a given installation. Useful for analyzing and comparing permissions structures to other platforms or use cases.
* Utility for creating a flat list of all ACL entries in a given installation. Useful for analyzing and comparing permissions structures to other platforms or use cases.
* How to use:
* [SEPARATOR="{value}"] php build-acl.php
* Runtime or environment variables:
* SEPARATOR - Optional. Specifies the resource hierarchy separator. Default: "." (dot-notation)
$envPath = dirname(__DIR__) . '/webroot/app/etc/env.php';
if (file_exists($envPath)) {
rename($envPath, $envPath . '.bak');
function () use ($envPath) {
rename($envPath . '.bak', $envPath);
require dirname(__DIR__) . '/webroot/app/bootstrap.php';
$bootstrap = \Magento\Framework\App\Bootstrap::create(BP, []);
$om = $bootstrap->getObjectManager();
/** @var \Magento\Framework\Acl\AclResource\Config\Reader\Filesystem $processor */
$processor = $om->get(\Magento\Framework\Acl\AclResource\Config\Reader\Filesystem::class);
$resources = $processor->read('global');
$result = array_keys(
getenv('SEPARATOR') ?: '.'
echo implode("\n", $result);
function flatten_tree(array $tree, string $path = '', string $separator = '.'): array {
$result = [];
foreach ($tree as $branch) {
$name = $branch['title'];
if (!empty($branch['children'])) {
$result = array_merge(
trim("{$path}{$separator}{$name}{$separator}", $separator),
} else {
$result[trim("{$path}{$separator}{$name}", $separator)] = true;
return $result;
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