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Last active April 3, 2023 14:01
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Clojure implementation of fuzzy string matching as you'd find in emacs ido, sublime text file find, etc.
(ns scratchpad.core
(:require [clojure.pprint :as pprint]))
(defn get-dataset
(with-open [rdr ( file)]
(vec (line-seq rdr))))
(defn str-len-distance
;; normalized multiplier 0-1
;; measures length distance between strings.
;; 1 = same length
[s1 s2]
(let [c1 (count s1)
c2 (count s2)
maxed (max c1 c2)
mined (min c1 c2)]
(double (- 1
(/ (- maxed mined)
(def MAX-STRING-LENGTH 1000.0)
(defn clean-str
(.replaceAll (.toLowerCase s) "[ \\/_]" ""))
(defn score
[oquery ostr]
(let [query (clean-str oquery)
str (clean-str ostr)]
(loop [q (seq (char-array query))
s (seq (char-array str))
mult 1
score 0]
;; add str-len-distance to score, so strings with matches in same position get sorted by length
;; boost score if we have an exact match including punctuation
(empty? q) (+ score
(str-len-distance query str)
(if (<= 0 (.indexOf ostr oquery)) MAX-STRING-LENGTH 0))
(empty? s) 0
:default (if (= (first q) (first s))
(recur (rest q)
(rest s)
(inc mult) ;; increase the multiplier as more query chars are matched
(dec idx) ;; decrease idx so score gets lowered the further into the string we match
(+ mult score)) ;; score for this match is current multiplier * idx
(recur q
(rest s)
1 ;; when there is no match, reset multiplier to one
(dec idx)
(defn search
[file query & {:keys [limit] :or {limit 20}}]
(println "Matching " query " in " file)
(let [query (.toLowerCase query)]
(let [data (get-dataset file)]
(take limit
(sort-by :score (comp - compare)
(filter #(< 0 (:score %))
(for [s data]
{:data s
:score (score query (.toLowerCase s))})))))))
;; usage: <file, e.g. /usr/share/dict/words> <query>
(defn -main
[& args]
(pprint/pprint (search (first args) (second args)))
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