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bmaupin /
Last active September 21, 2024 13:15
Tiling extensions for Gnome

Goal: find a Linux alternative to FancyZones for Windows

Name Recommended Type Supports main colum Supports layouts Multiple windows in same tile Windows can span multiple zones Notes
gSnap 👍👍 Gnome extension yes yes yes yes Can be configured almost just like FancyZones; in the settings:
  • disable Show tabs
  • enable Hold CTRL to snap windows
gTile Gnome extension no?
Tiling Assistant 👍 Gnome extension yes yes yes yes Layout support is "experimental" and the UX is a bit unintuitive; after enabling layouts, you have to click the star icon beside a layout to mark it as a favourite before you can then hold Alt while dragging
sgarciav /
Last active September 12, 2024 20:04
Initialize your password store


Summarizing the instructions of the pass tool (as seen on its website).

Getting Started


Execute: $ sudo apt install pass

joswr1ght /
Created December 16, 2019 11:45
Convert Apache/Nginx Unified Log Format to CSV
# accesslog2csv: Convert default, unified access log from Apache, Nginx
# servers to CSV format.
# Original source by Maja Kraljic, July 18, 2017
# Modified by Joshua Wright to parse all elements in the HTTP request as
# different columns, December 16, 2019
import csv
import re
charveey / 75-noto-color-emoji.conf
Created June 29, 2019 07:14
How to better enable Color Emojis! Fontconfig ships with some config files that are simply not enough to enable color emojis globally (the 45-generic.conf and 60-generic.conf) and just by installing Noto Color Emoji font will also not enable colorful emojis on all websites or some apps. However, this can easily be configured by creating a config…
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
<!-- Add generic family. -->
<match target="pattern">
<test qual="any" name="family"><string>emoji</string></test>
<edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same"><string>Noto Color Emoji</string></edit>
YumaInaura /
Last active November 21, 2023 05:48
Gist — Manage in one repository many gists by using git submodule

Gist — Manage in one repository many gists by using git submodule

Gist is a nice service. We can write code so easily and manage files as repository.

But bad points are …

  • Many repository
  • Gist destributes random hash to perticular gists (repositories).
  • So difficult to find or remember contents as repository.
dmsul /
Last active September 1, 2024 08:51
Vim Crash Course

NOTE: Specific examples given for options, flags, commands variations, etc., are not comprehensive.


Vim has 2 main "modes", that chance the behavior of all your keys. The default mode of Vim is Normal Mode and is mostly used for moving the cursor and navigating the current file.

Some important (or longer) commands begin with ":" and you will see the text you enter next at the bottom left of the screen.

:q[uit] - quit (the current window of) Vim. ("Window" here is internal to Vim, not if you have multiple OS-level windows of Vim open at once.)
:q! - force quit (if the current buffer has been changed since the last save)
:e[dit] {filename} - read file {filename} into a new buffer.

santisbon / Search my
Last active September 11, 2024 06:28
How to search gists.

Enter this in the search box along with your search terms:

Get all gists from the user santisbon.

Find all gists with a .yml extension.

Find all gists with HTML files.

geosharma /
Last active September 17, 2024 23:18
Arch Linux: aurutils installation and configuration

aurutils installation and configuration

This is not a getting started guide, just notes to myself. Due to my limited knowledge there could be mistakes and better ways to do things. I have configured aurutils to the best of my knowledge after reading the manpages and forums. Please refer to aurutils(7) manpages for installation and configuration.

Reference: aurutils(7)

Install aurutils

Install the aurutils using the normal AUR package installation procedure. Until I found aurutils, I used to create a separate directory ~/aur/ for all AUR packages.

self: super:
# Install overlay:
# $ mkdir -p ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays
# $ curl -o ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays/lnl.nix
userPackages = super.userPackages or {} // {
# Example:
hello = self.hello;
saurabhshri /
Last active June 7, 2024 12:58
Install and use pip in a local directory without root/sudo access.

Install and use pip in a local directory without root/sudo access.


Many users when are given server access, do not have root (or sudo) privileges and can not simply do sudo apt-get install python-pip . Here's an easy way you can install and use pip without root (or sudo) access in a local directory. Note : This works without easy_install too.
