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Created January 9, 2018 17:48
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<title> John's Work History </title>
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<h1>John's Work History</h1>
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SOFTWARE ENGINEER <br> Hewlett Packard (Tenncare) <br> <time>June 2013 </time><time>Present</time>
Project Lead on a conversion from a Microsoft Access back end database to Oracle 11g. Project lead on a Java application that parses XML from a SOAP message server to data storage in Oracle and then to flat files suitable for processing by the State of
<p>Design and maintenance of C programs (Embedded SQL) and Unix scripts executing report generation of healthcare information from an Oracle backend for the State of Tennessee. I’m also involved in the migration from Clearcase to Subversion along with
Code Metrics and analysis of an existing legacy code base.
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SOFTWARE DEVELOPER <br> Emdeon (WebMD Envoy), Nashville, TN <br> <time>September 2003</time><time>June 2013</time>
Design and coding for a Perl and Unix scripts for clients to whom we push and/or pull claims and push reports. These scripts are version controlled in Clearcase and run in Unix (Solaris and AIX) environments. Duties include development and edits of scripts
and periodic assistance to BA/QA and production engineering for the installations of these scripts on our servers.
Coding, support and maintenance for a Web Service Application for the Windows 2003 Server Platform, developed under Visual Studio 2003 .NET in C#. This application allows vendors with special needs to develop web clients to submit healthcare claims via
a secure post (HTTPS) to our web servers. Duties include development and support to clients by assisting them with accessing our web application programming interface.
Coding, support and maintenance for an asynchronous file transfer-to-ftp gateway for the Windows 2000 Server Platform, developed under Visual Studio 2003 .NET in C. This is a distributed application on multiple servers and allows Emdeon healthcare claims
trading partners with analog dial-up connections to submit files to and receive files from Emdeon systems. I have also written html reports that mine logs for statistics data for reporting to upper management.
Member of a five person team that designed and maintained translation software. This software transfers formats for batch health insurance claims from submitter formats to payer formats while insuring compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Primary responsibility was for payer specific and emergency edits for situations in which payers were not receiving claims or needed enhancements to our parsing of data. Coded translator software in a C-like scripting
language on the PC and tested using a version of this software that runs on an IBM MVS mainframe. Ran unit tests with python and ruby scripts to analyze test data on the PC and altered Job Control Language (JCL) files on the mainframe to run final
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C/C++ DEVELOPER<br> Base Systems, Nashville, TN<br> <time>May 2002</time> - <time>August 2003</time>
Was responsible for windows software for client access to a web-hosted medical transcription system. Client software interfaced with server software running on Linux servers via HTTPS and secure sockets layer. Physician client application pulled information
from a hand-held recording device to the client PC and then posted the audio data to our web servers. Transcription software downloaded this file along with a document with a header of patient data and interfaced with a foot pedal to play back the
audio file. </p>
<p>Conversion of Visual Basic transcription polling service to a cross platform C++ application via WxWindows. I wrote all of my own installers with the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System.
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ASSOCIATE PRODUCT DEVELOPER <br>Peregrine Systems, Inc. Nashville, TN. <br><time>June 2000</time> - <time>April 2002</time>
Member of a five person team that designed and maintained a set of integrated Windows services. These services pulled and parsed data from call recording devices, notified users of alarm conditions that these users set, and inserted the parsed data into
a database for reporting and costing by other applications. </p>
<p>Sole responsibility for the implementation of a DCOM implementation of a service manager that allowed client workstations with sufficient privileges to turn these services on and off remotely. Sole responsibility for the paging module which took an
XML based call alarm and paged a user with the alarm.
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SOFTWARE ENGINEER <br>Square D Company Power Management Operation. Lavergne, TN. <br><time>September 1998</time> - <time>June 2000</time>
Maintained a Microsoft Access database that stored settings and device information for a client/server package that provided real time circuit information from various power monitoring devices. Assisted other programmers with queries of the database and
wrote upgrade utilities primarily in C++ using MFC, DAO and ODBC.
Experience with porting this Access database to SQL Server 6.5, 7.0 and Oracle 7,8 and the requisite code changes. Answered technical support questions for these databases as well as any other questions that arose from registry settings for ODBC or for
the product. Product Lead on conversion from a Microsoft Access back end database to SQL Server 7.0.
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SOFTWARE DEVELOPER <br>TCS Management Group, Inc. acquired by Aspect, Inc. Brentwood, TN. <br><time>June 1994</time> - <time>August 1998</time>
Developed and maintained software for a work force management system written at TCS in FoxPro for the Dutch airline, KLM. This system tracked their 15,000 employees with associated schedules, vacation and leave administration. Successfully ported scheduling
software from the flagship product to this product. Did design and bug work on almost all modules. Administrated and maintained the version control system.
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