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Created November 22, 2013 19:47
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Quicksort in scheme. It's beautiful! :'(
(define less
(lambda (L x)
(cond ((null? L) '())
((< (car L) x) (cons (car L) (less (cdr L) x)))
(else (less (cdr L) x)))))
(define great
(lambda (L x)
(cond ((null? L) '())
((> (car L) x) (cons (car L) (great (cdr L) x)))
(else (great (cdr L) x)))))
(define append
(lambda (L M)
(if (null? L)
(cons (car L) (append (cdr L) M)))))
(define quicksort
(lambda (L)
(if (null? L)
(quicksort (less L (car L)))
(list (car L)))
(quicksort (great L (car L)))))))
(define user-input
(lambda (l n)
(if (= n 0)
(user-input (append (list (read)) l) (- n 1)))))
(display "Enter the number of elements: ")
(define n (read))
(display "Input the elements in the list: ")
(define L (user-input '() n))
(display "Unsorted list: ")
(display L) (newline)
(display "The sorted list: ")
(display (quicksort L)) (newline)
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