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DTrace: The Reverse Engineer’s Unexpected Swiss Army Knife


This paper will examine how DTrace, a kernelbased dynamic scriptable tracer, can be effectively used for reverse engineering tasks. DTrace offers an unprecedented view of both user and kernel space, which has many interesting implications for security researchers. In this paper we will introduce DTrace, comparing it to existing debuggers and tracers. We will then walk the reader through various applications of DTrace. We will show how to monitor for stack and heap overflows, generate code coverage graphs, trace code paths visually in target applications over the network with IDA Pro, and discuss intrusion detection and evading DTrace.


DTrace was first introduced in Solaris 10 which was released in 2004 by Sun Microsystems. Its development began in 2001 with Sun kernel engineer Bryan Cantrill as the sole developer. The composition of the DTrace core development team was later completed with the addition of Adam Leventhal and Mike Shapiro. Sun Microsystems describes Dtrace as a “dynamic tracing framework for troubleshooting systemic problems in real time on production systems.” DTrace is made up of several components in the OS kernel and user space and tied together through the D scripting language. DTrace dynamic tracing allows you to view nearly all activity in the system on demand through software embedded sensors called “probes.” OS X Leopard and Solaris ship with thousands of possible probes in places ranging from deep inside the kernel to user-level applications like web browsers and chat programs. This extensive visibility provides the data that an administrator, developer, or user needs to understand the dynamic and complex relationships between software components. Questions can be asked and answered by querying the data gathered by DTrace probes through D scripts. D is a block-based interpreted language that was created for use with DTrace. D syntax is a described as a subset of C, but is structured much like the syntax of Awk. The dynamic aspect of DTrace comes from the fact that probes can be enabled when needed, and are removed once the requested data has been gathered. This is a very unobtrusive way of instrumenting a system or process, and it is the relative safety of DTrace probes that enables its use on production systems. DTrace was Sun’s first software component to be released under their own open source Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL). The open sourcing of DTrace paved the way for the framework to be included in other operating systems. However, skepticism about CDDL had slowed efforts to port DTrace to FreeBSD. RedHat decided to compete with their SystemTap product instead. DTrace was ported to Apple’s OS X 10.5 “Leopard,” released in October 2007. Two weeks later it was announced that DTrace had been ported to QNX. The DTrace community continues to be very dynamic.

DTrace Vernacular

The processing and buffering of all probe data takes place in the DTrace kernel module. Each probe definition is composed of the four elements separated by colons. The general form is: provider:module:function:name Provider: A provider is a DTrace kernel module, which logically groups together various probes that are related. Examples of providers in DTrace include: fbt which instruments kernel functions, pid; which instruments user land processes, and syscall which instruments system calls. Module: A module is the program location of the group of probes. This could be the name of a kernel module where the probes exist, or it could be a user land library. Example modules are the library or the ufs kernel module. Function: Specifies the specific function for which this probe should fire on. This could be something like a particular function in a library such as printf() or strcpy(). Name: This is usually the meaning of the probe. Sample names are “entry“ or “return” for a function or “start” for an I/O probe. For instruction level tracing this field specifies the offset within the function. Understanding the DTrace vernacular allows you to understand the purpose of a particular probe. You can list all the probes on a DTrace instrumented system by provider by running the “dtrace –l” command. It will list the probes in the format described above.

DTrace Architecture

The bulk of DTrace functionality resides within the kernel. This means that probe data collected in user land must be first copied into kernel entry points before it can be processed. To

probe definition
/ optional predicate /
 optional action statements;

Figure 1. Anatomy of D Program

provide bi-directional communication between user space and the kernel, DTrace provides a conduit in the form of the shared library libdtrace

Figure 2. DTrace Architectural Overview source: [1]

The DTrace user command depends on libtrace to compile a D script into an intermediate form. Once the program is compiled, it is sent into the operating system kernel for execution by the DTrace kernel modules. It is at this time that the probes specified within your script are discretely activated. After the script has completed its execution, the activated probes are removed and the system is returned to its normal operating state

The D Language

As stated earlier the D language syntax is a subset of C. Unlike C, the D language does not use traditional conditionals such as “if … else.” Instead D uses the concept of a “predicate” as a conditional statement. A predicate expression is evaluated as the probe is triggered. If the predicate is evaluated as true, then any statement or action associated with the clause executes. If the predicate value is false then the probe is not triggered and instrumentation continues. Several predicates and probes can be linked together to form a D program. DTrace gives accessibility to an enormous amount of data. Effective D scripts should only instrument what is needed and choose the right action for the job.

DTrace and Reverse Engineering

Reverse engineering in the context of security research is essentially the search to understand how a piece of software works. Reverse engineering requires time-consuming careful analysis, and DTrace can make that analysis much easier and faster in a number of ways. The greatest strength of DTrace is the scope and precision of the data that can be gathered by relatively simple D scripts. A reverse engineer can learn a lot about a piece of software from just one or two well place probes. This puts DTrace in category of a ‘rapid development’ environment for reverse engineers. The remainder of this paper will explore how DTrace can be used for various common reverse engineering tasks. First we explain how DTrace can be used for detecting and pinpointing stack based buffer overflow. Secondly we examine detecting heap-based overflows and other heap memory management issues. We then look at how to use DTrace with IDA Pro to visualize block level code coverage. Finally we discuss intrusion detection possibilities with DTrace and various ways to avoid DTrace’s monitoring.

Stack Overflow Monitoring

One interesting challenge is to use DTrace to build a stack overflow detector. Such a monitor has been written in Python based on PyDbg, which is included with the PeiMei framework. [3] PeiMei’s detector works by setting breakpoints and single-stepping through the application. We wish to build a similar monitor using DTrace that does not require the use of breakpoints. The simplest approach is to monitor the EIP register for a known bad value, such as 0x41414141, or a particular value you might find in an exploit you want to analyze, for instance 0xdeadbeef. This would require activating only one probe for each function entry. Still, this could be a significant number of probes. The table below lists some common applications and the number of entry probes available on OS X for those applications. These numbers include library functions.

Program : Probes Firefox 202561 Quicktime 218404 Adium 223055 VMWare Fusion 205627 cupsd 91892 sshd 59308 ftp client 6370

Figure 3. Number of entry probes in common applications on OS X 10.5

However, we cannot accurately estimate in advance the performance impact of instrumenting every entry probe on an application since probes will only have an impact when they are hit. An application may import many libraries but only make a few function calls. Conversely, an application may call one function in a tight loop, creating a heavy performance hit when traced. To avoid dropping probes and hindering application performance, we first ensure our probes do not trace unimportant modules and functions that are called too frequently. The DTrace script shown in figure 4 can be used to report the most frequently called functions.

#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
pid$target:::entry {
@a[probemod,probefunc] = count();
END { trunc(@a,10); }

Figure 4. Script to count function calls

When the above script is run against FireFox and QuickTime Player it is obvious which functions and libraries can be exclude from our traces. In QuickTime Player, there are a large number of calls to the function. Both applications are making the majority of their calls to functions in the libSystem.B.dylib module. By excluding these frequently hit functions and libraries we will see a significant performance improvement when tracing these applications. Our experience with DTrace has shown that it is much more effective to build specific scripts that activate a limited number of probes, rather than to try to build a generic DTrace script that can apply to every situation. Once a reasonable subset of the application has been selected for tracing, a simple DTrace script, shown below in figure 4, can be used to check the value of the next instruction at function return time. This probe will fire whenever the value of EIP is 0x41414141. Typically this would cause the application to crash. But with DTrace we can stop the application before it attempts to execute the instruction at 0x41414141. This allows us to carry out data collection and analysis, such as printing CPU register values and function parameters, dumping memory, or attaching a traditional debugger and examining the stack.

#/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
 / uregs[R_EIP] == 0x41414141 / {
 printf("Don’t tase me bro!!!");
 printf(“Module: %s Function %s”,
 probemod, probefunc);

Figure 5. Checking EIP for a bad value

This example makes the limiting assumption that when an overflow occurs, EIP will be 0x41414141. This may be reasonable for doing basic fuzzing, but an effective stack overflow detector should be able to detect overflows in a much more generic fashion. This can be achieved by recording the return address in the stack frame created at function entry time. The recorded return address can then be compared to the return value at function return time. We do not compare the value of EIP with the saved return value because of the way DTrace handles tail call optimizations ([2]). DTrace reports a tail call as a return from the calling function, and an entry to the function being called. However, the EIP at function return time is the first instruction of the function being called, not the return value stored in the stack frame. This will trip up an integrity monitor that compares saved return values with the actual value of EIP. Instead, we alert when the saved return address is different from the current return address, and EIP is equal to the current return address. The above logic works well for most applications. However, some peculiarities of DTrace must be accounted for. In particular, DTrace can not trace functions that use jump tables. [2] When DTrace cannot determine what is happening in a function it chooses to not allow instrumentation. For this reason, you may end up with a function for which there is an entry probe, but no exit probe. This is the case when DTrace cannot fully instrument a function due to its use of function jump tables. If this type of function is called and accounted for in our stack monitor, but never returns, then our list of saved return addresses will become out of sync with the real stack. These functions must be ignored during tracing in order to properly monitor the stack. DTrace’s “–l” command parameter can be used to list matching probes for a given probe definition. The list of entry probes can be compared with the list of return probes to determine which functions our monitor should ignore. With these considerations implemented, our DTrace-based stack overflow monitor was able to detect the recent RTSP overflow in QuickTime Player. The initial output is shown below. The full output of the program includes the call trace

# ./eiptrace.d -q -p 4450
Module: QuickTimeStreaming
Function: _EngineNotificationProc
Expected return value: 0x1727bac4
Actual return value: 0xdeadbeef
Stack depth: 14
EIP: 0xdeadbeef
EAX: 0xffffeae6
EBX: 0x11223344
ECX: 0x00000005
EDX: 0x00000000
EDI: 0x31337666
ESI: 0x41424142
EBP: 0xdefacedd
ESP: 0x183f6000

Figure 6. A Stack overflow detected

The monitor will catch stack overflows that depend on overwriting the return address. In many cases overflows will modify more data on the stack than just the return address. This can result in invalid memory access attempts when the function attempts to dereference overflowed data before it returns. This situation is more common when fuzzing applications, rather than when detecting well crafted exploits that properly control EIP. An additional DTrace script can be used to pinpoint the exact instruction that causes the overflow. This is done by tracing each instruction in the vulnerable function, and checking the stack return value after each instruction. Once the overflow is detected, we know that the last EIP value is the instruction that caused the overflow. It may be worth exploring other ways DTrace can be used to monitor for overflow. Similar to the heap overflow monitor discussed below, function parameter sizes and addresses could be recorded and later verified when bcopy, memcpy or strcpy are used to copy data into those locations. Another approach would be to record the stack frame boundaries and when the bcopy, memcpy or strcpy functions are called, then verify that the parameter will not write past a frame boundary. This is an area of future work.

Heap Overflow Monitoring

One of the most powerful features of DTrace is ability to ‘hook’ functions generically. As shown above this functionality when combined with Ruby or some other object-oriented scripting language can make for a very powerful reverse engineering platform. In recent years many development teams have embraced secure coding practices. The increased awareness among software companies along with advances in operating system protections such as non executable stacks have made traditional “low hanging fruit” like stack overflows increasingly rare in widely used platforms. This has made

Figure 7. Probe instrumenting malloc entry size argument and return pointer

 self->trace = 1;
 self->size = arg0;
/self->trace == 1/
d", arg1, self->size);
self->trace = 0;
self->size = 0;

‘heap overflows’ an increasingly import attack vector for exploit writers and security researchers. Nemo, of FelineMenace.or,g wrote the de facto treatise on “Exploiting Mac OS X heap overflows” in Phrack 63 [11]. His attack relies on manipulating the size and frequency of allocations to the heap (on OS X called “zones”), combined with a heap overflow to overwrite function pointers contained in the initial heap struct called ”malloc_zone_t.” The struct is loaded into process space and contains function pointers to various dynamic allocation routines such as malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), etc… When the addresses to these functions are overwritten the next call can result in arbitrary code execution. This is just one of many heap exploitation techniques that rely on tracking the size, amount, and allocation patterns of the heap structures. The emergence of the heap as one of the main exploit attack vectors has brought along with it the need for an advance in tools to help the reverse engineer understand how the heap structure evolves. There are a number of tools released recently which focus on understanding the way the heap evolves from a reverse engineering perspective On the Windows platform, the Immunity Debugger has an extremely powerful API which provides many tools for understanding the way a heap evolves. On the Linux and Solaris platforms, Core Security’s HeapTracer tool written by Gerado Richarte uses truss or ltrace to monitor system calls which allocate or deallocate dynamic memory. Building on this same idea as a platform the heap overflow monitor included with RE:Trace keeps track of the “heap” state by hooking dynamic allocation functions. RE:Trace’s Heap Smash detector does more then just track allocations to the heap, it goes one step further by also hooking functions that attempt to allocate data to the heap. The RE:Trace Heap Smash Detector works by creating a Ruby hash which keeps track of the request size of malloc() calls as a value and the valid return pointer as a key. Its also keeps track of any calloc(), realloc(), or free() calls accordingly. This running ‘tab’ or the state of the heap is then used to check whether operations using the space will overflow it. A second hash keeps track of the stack frame which allocated that original memory chunk. For example, in RE:Trace the standard C strncpy() call is hooked and the destination address and size parameters are checked against the malloc() hash to see what the valid size of allocated region is. If the size of the strncpy() is larger then the allocated block we know that a heap overflow has occurred. The heap smasher has identified precisely where the overflow occurred, how large it is, and what stack frame made the original malloc() called. Not bad for a relatively short script!

char *strncpy(char *sl, const char *s2, size_t n);

A similar vulnerability tracing technique has been created using Microsoft’s Detours suite. [14] The tool called “VulnTrace” uses a DLL injected into process space which intercepts functions imported in IAT table so it can inspect function arguments for security flaws. This method is much more laborious and time consuming than the method used for RE:Trace, and must be tailored to each application being instrumented. Performance and memory addressing may be affected because of the additional DLL. DTrace is implemented as an operating system component with very little overhead and does not interfere with the software under test. There are some caveats about the OS X zone allocation algorithm which must be taken into account when implementing the heap smash detector. As noted by Nemo is his article “Exploiting OS X heap overflows,” OS X keeps separate “zones” or heaps for different sized allocations. The following table from A. Singh’s “Mac OS X internals” shows the division of the ‘zones’ by allocation size. Zone Type Zone Size Allocation Size (bytes) Allocation Quantum Tiny 2MB < 1993 32 bytes Small 8MB 1993-15,359 1024 bytes Large - 15,360 - 16,773,120 1 page (4096 bytes) Huge - > 16,773,120 1 page (4096 bytes) Figure 9. Scalable Zone Types on OS X Leopard. Source: [6] We can keep a running tally of each of the zones by hooking the allocation sizes and using separate hashes for each. One interesting aspect about the tiny and small “zones” is that they are fixed at 2mb and 8mb respectively making it easier to calculate how much has been allocated to each. We can easily spot double free() and double malloc() errors using the structure laid out above. One interesting fact about OS X zones noted by Nemo is the allocation algorithm in use will not free() a zone located at the same address twice in most cases. [11] Yet under the right circumstances, (i.e. the attempted double free() is the same size and free()’d pointer still exists) the condition is exploitable and therefore worth detecting. We are able to monitor for precisely this condition with the RE:Trace Heap Smash Detector. Future additions to the framework may included integration with IDA disassembled via IDARub for automatic probe creation.

Code Coverage

Function level tracing can give us some hints as to which parts of code have been executed during a particular run of the software. Combined with symbols resolution this can be quite meaningful for someone wishing to gain an understanding of the behavior of an application. Function level tracing can be particularly helpful if you wish to understand how a certain vulnerable function can be triggered. But in terms of code coverage, function level measurements are fuzzy at best. There is no real indication as to the complexity of a function, or even as to how much of the code inside a function was executed. At the function level, we can learn about what the application is doing, but we cannot obtain a good measurement of how well we have tested our software. Block level tracing can provide us with much more accurate measurements of code coverage. A block of code is a set of instructions for which if the first instruction is executed, then all instructions in the block are executed. Conditional jump instructions separate blocks of instructions. This is represented in the IDA Pro disassembler graph view as illustrated below

Figure 10. IDA Pro Disassembler graph

The arrows between each block represent the possible code paths that may be taken during execution. When auditing an application, we are interested in how many blocks of code we can execute. DTrace can provide us with this measurement with its ability to do instruction level tracing. This gives us the ability to see which blocks in a function are being executed and which are not. Combining run time instruction traces with static binary analysis, we can answer questions such as what percentage of total instructions were executed, what percentage of blocks were executed, how many times a block executed, and which blocks were never executed. This provides important metrics to software testers, and can also be used as feedback into a smart or evolutionary fuzzing engine that changes its behavior depending on the feedback it gets from its monitor. Instrumenting probes at every instruction in a large application can be very expensive in terms of performance. It helps to narrow the scope to a single library that the application imports, or just the application code itself. Further improvements can be made with the help of static analysis. Only a single instruction needs to be instrumented per block. With DTrace’s instruction level tracing, specific instruction probes are specified as an offset within its function, rather than a memory address relative to the start of the library or the instructions global address in virtual memory. For example, the following probe definition will fire at the instruction that at the offset 3f in the function getloginname of the /usr/bin/login program: pid4573:login:getloginname:3f {} DTrace is strictly a runtime analysis tool and has no notion of code blocks. Static analysis with a disassembler must be used to determine the addresses of the first instruction of every block. Once a list of addresses to instrument has been determined, they must be mapped from the global address to the offset within their function so that they can be used with DTrace probes. We use a combination of technologies to connect DTrace with IDA Pro to visualize our code coverage in real time. Ruby-dtrace is used to wrap libdtrace, allowing programmatic responses to be coded in Ruby and executed when particular probes fire [4]. IDArub is used to allow a remote interface to the IDA Pro API [5]. IDA Pro is run on a Windows system and the Ruby environment sends commands to IDA over the network. When a probe fires, indicating that an instruction is executing in the traced application, that instruction is colored in IDA Pro. The comment field for that instruction can also be updated to indicate the number of times the instruction has executed. Figure 11 shows how the code coverage is represented. Red blocks indicate code that has been executed while white block have not been executed.

Figure 11. Code coverage representation in IDA

The code coverage visualization makes it easy to see when large portions of code are not being executed. Manual analysis can be carried out to determine what conditions are necessary to cause the missed code to be executed.

RE:Trace: DTrace/Ruby Framework for Reverse Engineering

As noted earlier, Chris Andrew’s Ruby-DTrace adds flexibility to the already powerful DTrace framework enabling reverse engineer’s to write scripts that would not be possible in the D language alone. Yet there are indeed many pieces of boiler plate functionality (i.e. CPU Context, memory dump/search, etc..) that normal reverse engineering activities require. We have packaged together this functionality, along with additional features into a framework we call RE:Trace. Integrating the power of Ruby and DTrace, RE:Trace is the framework which powers the aforementioned Stack Pin Point, Heap Smash, and Code Coverage scripts. Bundling features reverse engineers need into an object oriented framework with many helper functions, allows RE:Trace to become the basis for many powerful tools. RE:Trace is being actively developed and will soon be released with features such as command line interaction via Ruby’s IRB, and the ability to enabled probes without using D syntax.

Using DTrace Defensively

The fact that DTrace instruments nearly the entire system makes DTrace extremely extensible and applicable to a number of tasks. While we have mainly looked at DTrace from a reverse engineering perspective there are ways to use DTrace’s feature set to defend a system. Commercial HIDS (Host-Based Intrusion Detection Systems) have become fairly common place on win32 systems. Vendors have put out products like McAfee’s “Entercept” and Cisco’s “Security Agent”. According to McAfee’s white paper “System Call Interception,” the “Entercept” technology works by altering the function pointers in the system call table within the kernel. The function pointers are altered so that the “Entercept” kernel driver can hook any system call and apply its security method to determine whether or not the call made by the user land process is valid. Cisco’s “Security Agent” has essentially the same architecture. By design, DTrace allows a user to do essentially the same type of system call intercept as McAfee and Cisco’s commercial offerings in an almost completely unobtrusive way. A custom host-based intrusion detection system based on system call introspection would be simple to implement in the D Language. Using Subreption’s publicly available exploit for the QuickTime 7.3 RTSP stack based bufferoverflow as an example we can see how a quick custom HIDS can be created easily with a D Script. [10] The Subreption exploit for QuickTime 7.3 on Leopard OS X 10.5.1 uses a classic ‘return-tolibc’ attack to exploit the stack overflow. A ‘return-to-libc’ exploit leverages a buffer overflow to setup arbitrary arguments on the targets stack before returning into the System() function to execute a system call. This is probably the most popular exploit technique on platforms that have non-executable stacks. The payload of many of these attacks rely on a series of system calls which usually involve a call to “/bin/sh”, or “/bin/bash”. If we are looking at protecting a vulnerable QuickTime 7.3 from a “return-to-libc” exploit we would first profile QuickTime’s normal operation through system calls. DTrace can be used to do this profiling with the script shown in figure 12.

/execname == "QuickTime
printf("%s execs %s\n", 

Once we have established a profile or average system calls made, we can begin to create signatures for possible attacks that will not create “false positives” Clearly blacklisting known attacks based on or one two public exploits will not suffice for an ‘Enterprise’ HIDS but it will serve to illustrate how a HIDS could be built on DTrace. (for further details take a look at Sun’s DTrace based HIDS patent application # 20070107058) By comparing the output of system calls from the short D script shown during normal operation and operation while being exploited, we can determine which system calls can be used as ‘signatures’ for our HIDS D script. After analyzing the ‘return-to-libc’ attack system calls, it is obvious that QuickTime Player would not normally make a system call to execute ‘/bin/sh’ during everyday operation (of course this is a trivial example). Using the DTrace predicate “/execname == "QuickTime Player" & args[0] == "/bin/sh"/” would suffice to create a generic D script which would detect the default payload for the Subreption QuickTime exploit and its variants. After detecting the exploit with the syscall probe it is trivial to trigger an action which logs, prints out, or stop()’s the process under attack. The entire script, shown in figure 13, is a just a few lines

#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -q -s
/execname == "QuickTime Player"
&& args[0] == "/bin/sh"/
printf("\n%s Has been p0wned!
it spawned %s\n", execname,

Although the above example is extremely basic, it could certainly be improved upon with the addition of attack signatures. There are several advantages to implementing a ‘custom’ HIDS. The first is that attacks cannot test the effectiveness of a custom HIDS without attacking the target. Commercial off-the-shelf HIDS can be profiled in a controlled environment to ensure that exploits evade detection. The second, is that for a custom application, the HIDS can be tailored to avoid false positives. Generic system call monitoring can often mislabel normal operation. Using Ruby-DTrace to implement a HIDS could allow a developer to create a much more advanced database complete with signatures stored in a relational database and a Ruby-On-Rails interface In a blog posting dated January 18, 2008, DTrace core developer Adam Leventhal came across some surprising behavior while using DTrace to monitor system-wide behavior: “Apple is explicitly preventing DTrace from examining or recording data for processes which don't permit tracing. This is antithetical to the notion of systemic tracing, antithetical to the goals of DTrace, and antithetical to the spirit of open source.” [11] To accomplish this, Apple is using the same method it uses to keep GDB from attaching to certain software. As explained by Landon Fuller “PT_DENY_ATTACH is a non-standard ptrace() request type that prevents a debugger from attaching to the calling process.” [10] Both Apple’s version of GDB and DTrace check to see if this flag is set before a process can be debugged or instrumented. Landon Fuller is also the author of a kext or Kernel Extension for XNU that allows any process to be instrumented by DTrace. By altering the ptrace function pointer in the sysent struct within the XNU kernl with a pointer to a custom PTrace wrapper, Fuller enables anyone to use DTrace in its intended form. In his presentation at the Chaos Computer Congress entitled “B.D.S.M The Solaris 10 way” Archim reports significant work that gives his rootkit “SInAR” the capability to hide from DTrace on the Solaris platform. The problem from a rootkit writer’s perspective is that DTrace’s fbt provider keeps a list of all modules loaded in the kernel. So if even if you have found a way to hide your process from mbd, ps, etc., a clever admin with DTrace may still detect a kernel-based rootkit. One problem Archim came across is that even modules which have mod_loaded and mod_installed set to 0 will still be discovered by DTrace. Archim describes the method he uses to hide from DTrace: “When you combine a call to dtrace_sync() and then dtrace_condense(&fbt_provider), you will be removed from the list of providing modules in DTrace.” This will force DTrace to remove the rootkit from DTrace’s internal link list of providers and have its probes set on inactive. At the present time, the 0.3 version of SInAR on only works on SPARC. There is currently no known rootkit for OS X Leopard or Solaris 10 x86 capable of hiding from DTrace Conclusion DTrace is a powerful tool that allows us to collect an enormous range of information about a running program. Like any tool, it is important to understand its strength and weakness. In general, DTrace is very well suited for collecting and reporting statistics or specific values at a given point in time. This turns out to be very useful for reverse engineers, who are interested in pinpointing very specific conditions, such as copy a large value into a small space, as well as understanding general behavior, such as the growth patterns of heaps. The introduction of DTrace to the reverse engineering world invites many opportunities for improving related techniques. We have shown how DTrace can be used to detect and pinpoint stack and heap overflows, and visualize code coverage. We have also discussed DTrace as an intrusion detection tool, and issues related to subverting DTrace. There are many more interesting areas to explore for future work. These include implementing automated fuzzer feedback based on code coverage results or parameter values; detection of rootkits using DTrace timing calculations; and kernel bug pinpointing.


[1] Bryan Cantrill, Mike Shapiro and Adam Leventhal, Advanced DTrace – Tips, Tricks and Gotchas, slide 43. [2] Sun Microssystems, Inc., Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide, pp. [3] Pedram Amini, Pin Pointing Stack Smashes, [4] Chris Andrews, Ruby-DTrace, [5] spoonm, IdaRub, REcon 2006 [6] Amit Singh, Mac OS X Internals A Systems Approach, Addison-Wesley, 2006 [7] Landon Fuller, Fixing ptrace(pt_deny_attach, ...) on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, _DENY_ATTACH.20080122.html, 2008 [8]Adam Leventhal, Mac OS X and the missing probes,, 2008 [9]Archim, “SUN – Bloody Daft Solaris Mechanisms.”, Chaos Computer Congress, 2004 [10] Subreption, LLC., QuickTime RTSP Redux, ux.rb [11]Nemo, “Exploiting OS X Heap Overflows”, Phrack Magazine, Issue 63 [12]Richard McDougall, Jim Mauro, Brendan Greg, “Solaris™ Performance and Tools: DTrace and MDB Techniques for Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris” Prentice Hall, 2006 [13] Stefan Parvu, “DTrace & DTraceToolkit-0.96”, [14] Various, “The Shellcoder's Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Holes”, Wiley and Sons, 2007

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