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Last active September 18, 2019 09:07
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trigram search
let trigrams = null
const $$ = q => [...document.querySelectorAll(q)]
const lower_case = x => x.toLowerCase()
const alnum_only = x => x.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, "")
function trigram(string)
{ const t = new Set()
const gap = 3
string.split(" ")
.filter(x => x.length >= 3)
.forEach(x =>
{ for (let i = 0; i + gap <= string.length; i++)
t.add(string.slice(i, i+gap)) })
return t }
const process = x => trigram(lower_case(alnum_only(x)))
const elem_trigram_tuple = x => [x, process(x.innerText)]
function push_create(obj, key, value)
{ if (obj[key]) obj[key].push(value)
else obj[key] = [value] }
function increment_create(map, key)
{ if (map.has(key)) map.set(key, map.get(key)+1)
else map.set(key, 1) }
function merge_sets(xs)
{ const obj = {}
xs.forEach(([node, trigrams]) =>
trigrams.forEach(t => push_create(obj, t, node)))
return obj }
const elems_to_trigrams = xs => merge_sets(
const merge_results = (map, xs) =>
{ xs.forEach(x => increment_create(map, x))
return map }
function search(string, trigrams)
{ const query = [...process(string)]
const results = query
.map(x => x in trigrams ? trigrams[x] : [])
.reduce(merge_results, new Map())
return [...results.entries()].map(x => [x[0], x[1]/query.length]) }
const hide = x =>"none"
const show = x =>""
const show_above = n => ([node, val]) => { if (val >= n) show(node) }
function on_input(e)
{ if (trigrams === null) trigrams = elems_to_trigrams($$("li"))
if (!this.value) return $$("li").forEach(show)
{ $$("li").forEach(hide)
search(this.value, trigrams).forEach(show_above(0.9)) }}
function main() {
document.querySelector("input").addEventListener("input", on_input) }
window.onload = main
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