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Forked from HarmJ0y/
Created September 5, 2019 23:25
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Python port of John the Ripper's keepass2john - extracts a HashCat/john crackable hash from KeePass 1.x/2.X databases
# Python port of keepass2john from the John the Ripper suite (
# ./keepass2john.c was written by Dhiru Kholia <dhiru.kholia at> in March of 2012
# ./keepass2john.c was released under the GNU General Public License
# source keepass2john.c source code from:
# Python port by @harmj0y, GNU General Public License
# TODO: handle keyfiles, test file inlining for 1.X databases, database version sanity check for 1.X
import sys
import os
import struct
from binascii import hexlify
def process_1x_database(data, databaseName, maxInlineSize=1024):
index = 8
algorithm = -1
encFlag = struct.unpack("<L", data[index:index+4])[0]
index += 4
if (encFlag & 2 == 2):
algorithm = 0
elif (enc_flag & 8):
# Twofish
algorithm = 1
print "Unsupported file encryption!"
# TODO: keyfile processing
# TODO: database version checking
version = hexlify(data[index:index+4])
index += 4
finalRandomseed = hexlify(data[index:index+16])
index += 16
encIV = hexlify(data[index:index+16])
index += 16
numGroups = struct.unpack("<L", data[index:index+4])[0]
index += 4
numEntries = struct.unpack("<L", data[index:index+4])[0]
index += 4
contentsHash = hexlify(data[index:index+32])
index += 32
transfRandomseed = hexlify(data[index:index+32])
index += 32
keyTransfRounds = struct.unpack("<L", data[index:index+4])[0]
filesize = len(data)
datasize = filesize - 124
if((filesize + datasize) < maxInlineSize):
dataBuffer = hexlify(data[124:])
end = "*1*%ld*%s" %(datasize, hexlify(dataBuffer))
end = "0*%s" %(databaseName)
return "%s:$keepass$*1*%s*%s*%s*%s*%s*%s*%s" %(databaseName, keyTransfRounds, algorithm, finalRandomseed, transfRandomseed, encIV, contentsHash, end)
def process_2x_database(data, databaseName):
index = 12
endReached = False
masterSeed = ''
transformSeed = ''
transformRounds = 0
initializationVectors = ''
expectedStartBytes = ''
while endReached == False:
btFieldID = struct.unpack("B", data[index])[0]
index += 1
uSize = struct.unpack("H", data[index:index+2])[0]
index += 2
# print "btFieldID : %s , uSize : %s" %(btFieldID, uSize)
if btFieldID == 0:
endReached = True
if btFieldID == 4:
masterSeed = hexlify(data[index:index+uSize])
if btFieldID == 5:
transformSeed = hexlify(data[index:index+uSize])
if btFieldID == 6:
transformRounds = struct.unpack("H", data[index:index+2])[0]
if btFieldID == 7:
initializationVectors = hexlify(data[index:index+uSize])
if btFieldID == 9:
expectedStartBytes = hexlify(data[index:index+uSize])
index += uSize
dataStartOffset = index
firstEncryptedBytes = hexlify(data[index:index+32])
return "%s:$keepass$*2*%s*%s*%s*%s*%s*%s*%s" %(databaseName, transformRounds, dataStartOffset, masterSeed, transformSeed, initializationVectors, expectedStartBytes, firstEncryptedBytes)
def process_database(filename):
f = open(filename, 'rb')
data =
base = os.path.basename(filename)
databaseName = os.path.splitext(base)[0]
fileSignature = hexlify(data[0:8])
if(fileSignature == '03d9a29a67fb4bb5'):
# "2.X"
print process_2x_database(data, databaseName)
elif(fileSignature == '03d9a29a66fb4bb5'):
# "2.X pre release"
print process_2x_database(data, databaseName)
elif(fileSignature == '03d9a29a65fb4bb5'):
# "1.X"
print process_1x_database(data, databaseName)
print "ERROR: KeePass signaure unrecognized"
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
sys.stderr.write("Usage: %s <kdb[x] file[s]>\n" % sys.argv[0])
for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)):
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