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Last active August 30, 2024 15:10
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Qris parser
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Optional
class MerchantAccount:
identifier: str = "" # 26/51 / 00
merchant_id: str = "" # 26/51 / 02
merchant_pan: str = "" # 26/51 / 01
merchant_criteria: str = "" # 26/51 / 03
class AdditionalInfo:
reference_label: str = "" # 62 / 05
terminal_label: str = "" # 62 / 07
payment_system_specified_template: str = "" # 62 / 50
class QrisData:
raw: str = ""
format_indicator: str = "" # 00
initiation_method: str = "" # 01
amount: str = "" # 54
merchant_name: str = "" # 59
merchant_city: str = "" # 60
country_code: str = "" # 58
postal_code: str = "" # 61
merchant_account_1: MerchantAccount = field(default_factory=MerchantAccount) # 26
merchant_account_2: MerchantAccount = field(default_factory=MerchantAccount) # 51
additional_info: AdditionalInfo = field(default_factory=AdditionalInfo) # 62
crc: str = "" # 63
def qris_processor(result: dict) -> QrisData:
qris_data = QrisData()
mapping = {
"00": "format_indicator",
"01": "initiation_method",
"54": "amount",
"59": "merchant_name",
"60": "merchant_city",
"58": "country_code",
"61": "postal_code",
"26-00": "merchant_account_1.identifier",
"26-01": "merchant_account_1.merchant_pan",
"26-02": "merchant_account_1.merchant_id",
"26-03": "merchant_account_1.merchant_criteria",
"51-00": "merchant_account_2.identifier",
"51-01": "merchant_account_2.merchant_pan",
"51-02": "merchant_account_2.merchant_id",
"51-03": "merchant_account_2.merchant_criteria",
"62-05": "additional_info.reference_label",
"62-07": "additional_info.terminal_label",
"62-50": "additional_info.payment_system_specified_template",
"63": "crc"
for t, u in result.items():
print(f"{t} : {u}")
if t in mapping:
attr_path = mapping[t].split(".")
target = qris_data
for attr in attr_path[:-1]:
target = getattr(target, attr)
setattr(target, attr_path[-1], u)
return qris_data
def parse_qris(input_string: str) -> Optional[QrisData]:
index = 0
result = {}
while index < len(input_string):
qr_id = input_string[index:index + 2]
qr_id_length = input_string[index + 2:index + 4]
qr_id_value_length = int(qr_id_length)
except ValueError:
return None
qr_id_value = input_string[index + 4:index + 4 + qr_id_value_length]
result[qr_id] = qr_id_value
if 26 <= int(qr_id) <= 40 or int(qr_id) in [51, 62]:
nested_index = 0
while nested_index < len(qr_id_value):
nqi = qr_id_value[nested_index:nested_index + 2] # nested qr id
nqi_length = qr_id_value[nested_index + 2:nested_index + 4]
nqi_value_length = int(nqi_length)
nqi_value_index = int(nested_index + 4)
nqi_value_index_offset = int(nested_index + 4 + nqi_value_length)
nqi_value = qr_id_value[nqi_value_index:nqi_value_index_offset]
result[f"{qr_id}-{nqi}"] = nqi_value
nested_index += 4 + nqi_value_length
index += 4 + qr_id_value_length
qris_data = qris_processor(result)
qris_data.raw = input_string
if qris_data.merchant_account_2.identifier == 'ID.CO.QRIS.WWW':
return qris_data
return None # invalid QRIS provider
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