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runevision / BurstSDFGenerator.cs
Created September 11, 2024 07:48
Signed Distance Field generator for Unity with Burst support
Based on the Anti-aliased Euclidean distance transform described by Stefan Gustavson and
Robin Strand. For further information, see and
The algorithm is an adapted version of Stefan Gustavson's code, it inherits the copyright
statement below, which applies to this file only.
The rewrite with Unity Burst support makes the execution 40 times faster by default,
and 75 times faster if the passed in textures are both of type TextureFormat.RGBAFloat.
eric-wieser / GeometricGrades.lean
Created November 21, 2023 13:28
Grade selection with Mathlib
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.CliffordAlgebra.Contraction
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.ExteriorAlgebra.Grading
set_option pp.proofs.withType false
variable {R M} [CommRing R] [Invertible (2 : R)] [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M] (Q : QuadraticForm R M)
abbrev ExteriorAlgebra.rMultivector (r : ℕ) : Submodule R (ExteriorAlgebra R M) :=
(LinearMap.range (ExteriorAlgebra.ι R : M →ₗ[R] _) ^ r)
rao107 / Ch1-5Q1.lean
Created November 17, 2023 05:47
Chapter 1 Section 5 Q1 of Introduction to Topology by Mendelson
The original problem is incorrect. Instead, we prove that the statement is true
if and only if either A or B is the universe
example (h0 : X ⊆ A) (h1 : Y ⊆ B) :
A = Set.univ ∨ B = Set.univ ↔ (X ×ˢ Y)ᶜ = A ×ˢ Yᶜ ∪ Xᶜ ×ˢ B := by
apply Iff.intro
intro h2
rw [Set.compl_prod_eq_union, Set.union_comm]
fpvandoorn / MessyCode.lean
Last active October 9, 2023 17:45
Some experiments using type class graphs in Lean 4
import Mathlib
open Lean Meta Elab Command
-- generalized
/-- Write an import graph, represented as a an array of `NameMap`s to the ".dot" graph format.
If `("style1", graph1)` is in `graphs`, then the edges in `graph1` will be labeled with `[style1]`.
Example: `asStyledDotGraph #[("", graph1), ("style=dashed", graph2)]` -/
def asStyledDotGraph [ForIn Id α Name] (graphs : Array (String × NameMap α))
(header := "import_graph") : String := do
# Container source:
# To run this in RunPod with `winglian/axolotl-runpod:main-cu118-2.0.0`, set
# Expose HTTP Ports (Max 10): 7860,8888
# docker command: `bash -c "curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' -sSf | bash"`
# JUPYTER_PASSWORD change to your secret
# HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN change to your token from
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munrocket /
Last active September 15, 2024 15:11
WGSL 3D SDF Primitives

WGSL 3D SDF Primitives

Revision: 06.08.2023,

Sphere - exact

fn sdSphere(p: vec3f, r: f32) -> f32 {
  return length(p) - r;
azu /
Created June 6, 2021 07:13
Decrypt and restore iOS backup(`Manifest.db` is encrypted) for restoring my iOS photos.



git clone
cd iTunes_Backup_Reader
# apply
gh pr checkout
eric-wieser / finsupp_prod_equiv.lean
Last active July 25, 2020 09:41
An alternative formulation of finsupp.finsupp_prod_equiv
import data.finsupp
namespace finsupp.eric
#check finset.sigma
universes u v w
def bind_prod {α : Type u} {β : Type v} (sa : finset α) (fb : α → finset β) : finset (α × β)
:= (sa.sigma fb).map (equiv.sigma_equiv_prod _ _).to_embedding
import data.dfinsupp
import tactic
universes u v w
variables {ii : Type u} {jj : Type v} [decidable_eq ii] [decidable_eq jj]
variables (β : ii → jj → Type w) [Π i j, decidable_eq (β i j)]
variables [Π i j, has_zero (β i j)]
def to_fun (x : Π₀ (ij : ii × jj), β ij.1 ij.2) : Π₀ i, Π₀ j, β i j :=