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mori yuta utamori

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loic-sharma /
Last active July 8, 2024 07:41
Pub's migration to Swift Package Manager (2024-05-31)

Pub's migration to Swift Package Manager (2024-05-31)

These reports track the Pub ecosystem's migration from CocoaPods to Swift Package Manager.

This data was generated on 2024-05-31 using pub insights:


  1. 10,241 packages contain a .podspec file.
  2. 73 packages contain a .modulemap file.

This is reply for moonbit author.

I have a slightly different opinion.

TypeScript was an ecosystem that combined a universal escape hatch called any with incremental typing. The community-based DefinitelyTyped provided an experience that, from a personal perspective, expanded the world of typing just by sleeping on it. This is an experience that Flow and ReScript did not provide. Unfortunately.

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart' as widgets;
import 'package:permission_handler/permission_handler.dart';
import 'package:flutter_integration_sample/scan_bloc.dart';
class ScanView extends StatefulWidget {
State<StatefulWidget> createState() => _ScanViewState();
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:scandit_flutter_datacapture_barcode/scandit_flutter_datacapture_barcode.dart';
import 'package:scandit_flutter_datacapture_barcode/scandit_flutter_datacapture_barcode_capture.dart';
import 'package:scandit_flutter_datacapture_core/scandit_flutter_datacapture_core.dart';
const String licenseKey = '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
naporin0624 /
Last active September 24, 2024 02:46
cloudfire D1 と DurableObjects で firestore の夢を見る
class PackageMetrics
// AutoDispose/Family版のAsyncNotifier
extends AutoDisposeFamilyAsyncNotifier<PackageMetricsScore, String> {
late String _packageName;
Future<PackageMetricsScore> build(String arg) {
_packageName = arg;
return ref
.getPackageMetrics(packageName: _packageName);
import 'package:clock/clock.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
final clockProvider = Provider((ref) => const Clock());
final someTimeService = Provider(;
class SomeTimeService {
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:firebase_core/firebase_core.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:google_mobile_ads/google_mobile_ads.dart';
import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
final sharedPreferencesProvider = Provider<SharedPreferences>(
(ref) => throw UnimplementedError(),
sindresorhus /
Last active September 25, 2024 03:43
Pure ESM package

Pure ESM package

The package that linked you here is now pure ESM. It cannot be require()'d from CommonJS.

This means you have the following choices:

  1. Use ESM yourself. (preferred)
    Use import foo from 'foo' instead of const foo = require('foo') to import the package. You also need to put "type": "module" in your package.json and more. Follow the below guide.
  2. If the package is used in an async context, you could use await import(…) from CommonJS instead of require(…).
  3. Stay on the existing version of the package until you can move to ESM.