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simonbs /
Last active September 16, 2024 07:07
In iOS 16, Apple added UIHostingConfiguration, making it straightforward to use a SwiftUI view in instances of UICollectionViewCell and UITableViewCell. This project shows how UIHostingConfiguration can be backported to iOS 14 by implementing a type that conforms to the UIContentConfiguration protocol.


In iOS 16, Apple added UIHostingConfiguration, making it straightforward to use a SwiftUI view in instances of UICollectionViewCell and UITableViewCell. This gist shows how UIHostingConfiguration can be backported to iOS 14 by implementing a type that conforms to UIContentConfiguration.

Starting from iOS 16, we can use SwiftUI views in an instance of UICollectionView or UITableViewCell like this:

cell.contentConfiguration = UIHostingConfiguration {
    ExampleCellContentView(color: Color(item.color), text: item.text)
davidsteppenbeck / KeyframeView.swift
Created May 3, 2024 20:08
Keyframe Animation Example in SwiftUI
import SwiftUI
struct KeyframeValues {
var scale = 1.0
var horizontalStretch = 1.0
var verticalStretch = 1.0
var translation = 0.0
var rotation =
dkun7944 / CDView.swift
Last active September 5, 2024 12:40
SwiftUI + Swift.Shader CD
// CDView.swift
// CD
// Created by Daniel Kuntz on 7/3/23.
import SwiftUI
struct ShapeWithHole: Shape {
import AppKit
import SwiftUI
.popUpMenu {
NSMenuItem(title: "One", action: nil, keyEquivalent: "")
NSMenuItem(title: "Two", action: nil, keyEquivalent: "")
santaklouse /
Last active September 25, 2024 13:01
unlimited CrossOver trial (MacOS)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# checck if pidof exists
PIDOF="$(which pidof)"
# and if not - install it
(test "${PIDOF}" && test -f "${PIDOF}") || brew install pidof
# find app in default paths
test -d "${CO_PWD}" || CO_PWD=/Applications/
saagarjha /
Created November 6, 2021 22:48
Enable remote connections in Quartz Debug
// If you haven't already, make sure to run this so the window list works:
// defaults write QuartzDebugPrivateInterface -bool YES
#import "swizzler.h"
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
static Swizzler<void, id<NSApplicationDelegate>, NSNotification *> QuartzDebug_applicationDidFinishLaunching_ {
NSClassFromString(@"QuartzDebug"), @selector(applicationDidFinishLaunching:), [](auto self, auto notification) {
QuartzDebug_applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, notification);
saagarjha / swizzler.h
Last active December 25, 2023 18:06
Type-safe, RAII swizzler for Objective-C++
// Example usage:
// Swizzler<NSString *, NSDateFormatter *, NSDate *> NSDateFormatter_stringFromDate_ {
// NSDateFormatter.class, @selector(stringFromDate:), [&](auto self, auto date) {
// if ([NSCalendar.currentCalendar components:NSCalendarUnitWeekday fromDate:date].weekday == 4) {
// return @"It Is Wednesday My Dudes";
// } else {
// return NSDateFormatter_stringFromDate_(self, date);
// }
// }
// };
robonxt / Installing the Pebble app on iOS with
Last active May 21, 2024 22:09
Installing the Pebble app on iOS with Sideloadly - Rebble (Now)Official Installation Guide by robonxt


This guide is now in maintenance mode. Rebble made their own official guide based on this, so please follow the updated guide on their website at If you have any suggestions, ping me (@robonxt) or one of the helpful people in the official Rebble Discord Server and hopefully there will be a guide update soon!

Thank you for all the support, and long live Pebble and Rebble!

Fun Fact: I've never daily driven Pebble on iOS before, only to test out sideloading and to ensure the guide works with the iOS devices I have 🤣

Installing the Pebble app on iOS with Sideloadly

zhuowei / safariinject.m
Last active October 22, 2021 17:15
Restores old tab bar in Safari 15.0 (16612., 16612)
// Restores old tab bar in Safari 15.0 (16612., 16612)
// clang -fmodules -shared -Wall -Os -o libsafariinject.dylib safariinject.m
// If SIP off:
// DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=$PWD/libsafariinject.dylib /Applications/
// If SIP on, you can demo this by manually removing Safari's code signing signature, but many
// features (eg saved logins) won't be readable by the resigned app:
// cp -a /Applications/ ./
// codesign --remove
krzyzanowskim / StringGetSizeThatFits.swift
Last active November 12, 2023 14:51
Calculate frame of String, that fits given width
// Excerpt from
// Licence BSD-2 clause
// Marcin Krzyzanowski
func getSizeThatFits(_ attributedString: NSAttributedString, maxWidth: CGFloat) -> CGSize {
let framesetter = CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString(attributedString)
let rectPath = CGRect(origin: .zero, size: CGSize(width: maxWidth, height: 50000))
let ctFrame = CTFramesetterCreateFrame(framesetter, CFRange(), CGPath(rect: rectPath, transform: nil), nil)