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Created October 17, 2020 00:04
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let textNodesUnder = (el) => {
var n, a=[], walk=document.createTreeWalker(el, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false);
while(n = walk.nextNode() ) a.push(n);
return a;
let makeProjectLink = (dev) => `${dev.replace(/[^0-9]+/mg, '')}`;
let makeProjectLinks = (line) => {
let projectLinks = line.match(/\[dev-([0-9]+)\]/igm);
projectLinks && => {
let link = makeProjectLink(devLink);
line = line.replace(devLink, `[${devLink}](${link})`);
return line;
let rowss = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.TimelineItem-body')).filter(a => textNodesUnder(a).length > 1);
let elements = [' code', 'pre', '.avatar-user img', '.issue-link', 'code .link-gray'];
let label = ['commitMessage', 'commitDetail', 'authors', 'issue', 'hash'];
let outputList = [];
rowss.forEach((row, i) => {
const output = {};
output.authors = [];
const users = [];
elements.forEach((lookup, i) => {
found = Array.from(row.querySelectorAll(lookup))
if (found.length > 0) {
if (i == 0) {
output[label[i]] = found[0].outerText;
found.forEach((elem) => {
if (elem.alt && i == 2) {
} else {
const texts = textNodesUnder(elem);
output[label[i]] = texts
.filter(t =>[a-zA-Z#@0-9]/))
.map(t =>[0];
let { commitMessage, commitDetail, authors, issue, hash } = output;
// console.log(output);
let formatted = ''; //commitDetail ? `\t${commitDetail.replace(/\n/g, '\n\t').replace(/`/g, '\`')}` : '';
let issueText = issue ? ` (${issue})` : '';
let line = makeProjectLinks(`${hash} - ${authors && authors.join(', ')}:${issueText} ${commitMessage && commitMessage.replace(/\($/, '')}${formatted}`);
hash && outputList.push(line);
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