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Last active September 2, 2017 12:48
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Compositable Synchronization Primitives
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Synq
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("*** Wait until ending 'Process' in order of all tasks ***");
var waiter1 = Synchronizable.EventWait(obj => (int)obj == 1);
var waiter2 = Synchronizable.EventWait(obj => (int)obj == 2);
var waiter3 = Synchronizable.EventWait(obj => (int)obj == 3);
using (var sync = waiter1.Then(waiter2).Then(waiter3).GetSynchronizer())
var task1 = Task.Run(() =>
Console.WriteLine("Start 1 ...");
Console.WriteLine("Process 1.");
Console.WriteLine("End 1.");
var task2 = Task.Run(() =>
Console.WriteLine("Start 2 ...");
Console.WriteLine("Process 2.");
Console.WriteLine("End 2.");
var task3 = Task.Run(() =>
Console.WriteLine("Start 3 ...");
Console.WriteLine("Process 3.");
Console.WriteLine("End 3.");
Console.WriteLine("Ended 'Process' in order of all tasks.");
Task.WaitAll(task1, task2, task3);
Console.WriteLine("*** Wait until beginning 'Start' of all tasks (the order is unrelated, also it doesn't concern whether 'Process' has processed) ***");
var setter1 = Synchronizable.EventSet(obj => (int)obj == 1);
var setter2 = Synchronizable.EventSet(obj => (int)obj == 2);
using (var sync = setter1.And(setter2).GetSynchronizer())
var task1 = Task.Run(() =>
Console.WriteLine("Start 1 ...");
Console.WriteLine("Process 1.");
Console.WriteLine("End 1.");
var task2 = Task.Run(() =>
Console.WriteLine("Start 2 ...");
Console.WriteLine("Process 2.");
Console.WriteLine("End 2.");
Console.WriteLine("Begun 'Start' of all tasks.");
Task.WaitAll(task1, task2);
Console.WriteLine("*** Wait until beginning 'Start' of task1 or task2 and until ending 'Process' of task3 and task4 in order ***");
var setter1 = Synchronizable.EventSet(obj => (int)obj == 1, (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine($"Begun setter1"), (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine($"Ended setter1"), (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine($"AllNotified setter1"));
var setter2 = Synchronizable.EventSet(obj => (int)obj == 2, (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine($"Begun setter2"), (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine($"Ended setter2"), (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine($"AllNotified setter2"));
var waiter3 = Synchronizable.EventWait(obj => (int)obj == 3, (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine($"Begun waiter3"), (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine($"Ended waiter3"), (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine($"AllNotified waiter3"));
var waiter4 = Synchronizable.EventWait(obj => (int)obj == 4, (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine($"Begun waiter4"), (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine($"Ended waiter4"), (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine($"AllNotified waiter4"));
using (var sync = setter1.Or(setter2).And(waiter3.Then(waiter4)).GetSynchronizer())
var task1 = Task.Run(() =>
Console.WriteLine("Start 1 ...");
Console.WriteLine("Process 1.");
Console.WriteLine("End 1.");
var task2 = Task.Run(() =>
Console.WriteLine("Start 2 ...");
Console.WriteLine("Process 2.");
Console.WriteLine("End 2.");
var task3 = Task.Run(() =>
Console.WriteLine("Start 3 ...");
Console.WriteLine("Process 3.");
Console.WriteLine("End 3.");
var task4 = Task.Run(() =>
Console.WriteLine("Start 4 ...");
Console.WriteLine("Process 4.");
Console.WriteLine("End 4.");
Console.WriteLine("Begun 'Start' of task1 or task2 and ended 'Process' of task3 and task4 in order.");
Task.WaitAll(task1, task2, task3, task4);
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");
// Result ---
// *** Wait until ending 'Process' in order of all tasks ***
// Start 1 ...
// Start 2 ...
// Start 3 ...
// Process 1.
// End 1.
// Process 2.
// End 2.
// Process 3.
// End 3.
// Ended 'Process' in order of all tasks.
// *** Wait until beginning 'Start' of all tasks (the order is unrelated, also it doesn't concern whether 'Process' has processed) ***
// Start 2 ...
// Process 2.
// End 2.
// Start 1 ...
// Begun 'Start' of all tasks.
// Process 1.
// End 1.
// *** Wait until beginning 'Start' of task1 or task2 and until ending 'Process' of task3 and task4 in order ***
// Start 2 ...
// Start 4 ...
// AllNotified setter1
// AllNotified setter2
// Start 3 ...
// AllNotified waiter3
// Process 3.
// Begun waiter4
// Ended setter1
// Ended setter2
// Ended waiter4
// End 3.
// Process 2.
// Ended setter1
// Ended setter2
// End 2.
// Begun setter2
// Start 1 ...
// Process 4.
// Ended setter1
// Ended setter2
// Begun setter1
// Ended waiter3
// AllNotified waiter4
// Begun 'Start' of task1 or task2 and ended 'Process' of task3 and task4 in order.
// End 4.
// Process 1.
// Ended setter1
// Ended setter2
// End 1.
// Press any key to continue...
public interface ISynchronizable
ISynchronizer GetSynchronizer();
class InternalSynchronousOptions
public InternalSynchronousOptions WithHandlingCondition(bool ignores = true)
IgnoresHandlingCondition = ignores;
return this;
public bool IgnoresHandlingCondition { get; private set; }
public class SynchronousOptions
internal static SynchronousOptions UpdateInternalOptions(SynchronousOptions opts, InternalSynchronousOptions internalOpts)
if (opts == null)
opts = new SynchronousOptions();
opts.InternalOptions = internalOpts;
return opts;
internal InternalSynchronousOptions InternalOptions { get; private set; }
public class HandledEventArgs : EventArgs
public new static readonly HandledEventArgs Empty = new HandledEventArgs();
public HandledEventArgs() :
this(null, null)
{ }
public HandledEventArgs(object obj, SynchronousOptions opts = null)
Object = obj;
Options = opts;
public object Object { get; private set; }
public SynchronousOptions Options { get; private set; }
public class AllNotifiedEventArgs : EventArgs
public new static readonly AllNotifiedEventArgs Empty = new AllNotifiedEventArgs();
public AllNotifiedEventArgs() :
{ }
public AllNotifiedEventArgs(bool state)
State = state;
public bool State { get; private set; }
public interface ISynchronizer : IDisposable
bool WillHandle(object obj);
Task Begin(object obj, SynchronousOptions opts = null);
event EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> Begun;
Task End(object obj, SynchronousOptions opts = null);
event EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> Ended;
Task NotifyAll(bool state);
event EventHandler<AllNotifiedEventArgs> AllNotified;
abstract class EventSynchronizable : ISynchronizable
readonly Predicate<object> m_willHandle;
readonly EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> m_handleBegun;
readonly EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> m_handleEnded;
readonly EventHandler<AllNotifiedEventArgs> m_handleAllNotified;
public EventSynchronizable(Predicate<object> willHandle,
EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> handleBegun = null, EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> handleEnded = null, EventHandler<AllNotifiedEventArgs> handleAllNotified = null)
Debug.Assert(willHandle != null, $"Value cannot be null. Parameter name: { nameof(willHandle) }");
m_willHandle = willHandle;
m_handleBegun = handleBegun;
m_handleEnded = handleEnded;
m_handleAllNotified = handleAllNotified;
public ISynchronizer GetSynchronizer()
return GetEventSynchronizer(m_willHandle, m_handleBegun, m_handleEnded, m_handleAllNotified);
protected abstract EventSynchronizer GetEventSynchronizer(Predicate<object> willHandle,
EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> handleBegun = null, EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> handleEnded = null, EventHandler<AllNotifiedEventArgs> handleAllNotified = null);
class EventWaitable : EventSynchronizable
public EventWaitable(Predicate<object> willHandle,
EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> handleBegun = null, EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> handleEnded = null, EventHandler<AllNotifiedEventArgs> handleAllNotified = null) :
base(willHandle, handleBegun, handleEnded, handleAllNotified)
{ }
protected override EventSynchronizer GetEventSynchronizer(Predicate<object> willHandle,
EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> handleBegun = null, EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> handleEnded = null, EventHandler<AllNotifiedEventArgs> handleAllNotified = null)
return new EventWaiter(willHandle, handleBegun, handleEnded, handleAllNotified);
class EventSettable : EventSynchronizable
public EventSettable(Predicate<object> willHandle,
EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> handleBegun = null, EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> handleEnded = null, EventHandler<AllNotifiedEventArgs> handleAllNotified = null) :
base(willHandle, handleBegun, handleEnded, handleAllNotified)
{ }
protected override EventSynchronizer GetEventSynchronizer(Predicate<object> willHandle,
EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> handleBegun = null, EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> handleEnded = null, EventHandler<AllNotifiedEventArgs> handleAllNotified = null)
return new EventSetter(willHandle, handleBegun, handleEnded, handleAllNotified);
abstract class EventSynchronizer : ISynchronizer
readonly Predicate<object> m_willHandle;
readonly EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> m_handleBegun;
readonly EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> m_handleEnded;
readonly EventHandler<AllNotifiedEventArgs> m_handleAllNotified;
protected EventSynchronizer(Predicate<object> willHandle,
EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> handleBegun = null, EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> handleEnded = null, EventHandler<AllNotifiedEventArgs> handleAllNotified = null)
Debug.Assert(willHandle != null, $"Value cannot be null. Parameter name: { nameof(willHandle) }");
m_willHandle = willHandle;
m_handleBegun = handleBegun;
if (m_handleBegun != null)
Begun += m_handleBegun;
m_handleEnded = handleEnded;
if (m_handleEnded != null)
Ended += m_handleEnded;
m_handleAllNotified = handleAllNotified;
if (m_handleAllNotified != null)
AllNotified += m_handleAllNotified;
protected ManualResetEventSlim WaitHandle { get; private set; } = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);
public bool WillHandle(object obj)
return m_willHandle(obj);
public abstract Task Begin(object obj, SynchronousOptions opts = null);
public event EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> Begun;
protected virtual void OnBegun(HandledEventArgs e)
Begun?.Invoke(this, e);
public abstract Task End(object obj, SynchronousOptions opts = null);
public event EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> Ended;
protected virtual void OnEnded(HandledEventArgs e)
Ended?.Invoke(this, e);
public Task NotifyAll(bool state)
if (state)
return Task.Run(() =>
AllNotified?.Invoke(this, new AllNotifiedEventArgs(state));
return Task.Run(() =>
AllNotified?.Invoke(this, new AllNotifiedEventArgs(state));
public event EventHandler<AllNotifiedEventArgs> AllNotified;
bool m_disposed;
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!m_disposed)
if (disposing)
if (m_handleBegun != null)
Begun -= m_handleBegun;
if (m_handleEnded != null)
Ended -= m_handleEnded;
if (m_handleAllNotified != null)
AllNotified -= m_handleAllNotified;
m_disposed = true;
public void Dispose()
class EventWaiter : EventSynchronizer
public EventWaiter(Predicate<object> willHandle,
EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> handleBegun = null, EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> handleEnded = null, EventHandler<AllNotifiedEventArgs> handleAllNotified = null) :
base(willHandle, handleBegun, handleEnded, handleAllNotified)
{ }
public override Task Begin(object obj, SynchronousOptions opts = null)
return Task.Run(() =>
if (opts?.InternalOptions?.IgnoresHandlingCondition == true || WillHandle(obj))
OnBegun(new HandledEventArgs(obj, opts));
public override Task End(object obj, SynchronousOptions opts = null)
return Task.Run(() =>
if (opts?.InternalOptions?.IgnoresHandlingCondition == true || WillHandle(obj))
OnEnded(new HandledEventArgs(obj, opts));
class EventSetter : EventSynchronizer
public EventSetter(Predicate<object> willHandle,
EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> handleBegun = null, EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> handleEnded = null, EventHandler<AllNotifiedEventArgs> handleAllNotified = null) :
base(willHandle, handleBegun, handleEnded, handleAllNotified)
{ }
public override Task Begin(object obj, SynchronousOptions opts = null)
return Task.Run(() =>
if (opts?.InternalOptions?.IgnoresHandlingCondition == true || WillHandle(obj))
OnBegun(new HandledEventArgs(obj, opts));
public override Task End(object obj, SynchronousOptions opts = null)
OnEnded(new HandledEventArgs(obj, opts));
return Task.CompletedTask;
abstract class BinarySynchronizable : ISynchronizable
readonly ISynchronizable m_lhs;
readonly ISynchronizable m_rhs;
protected BinarySynchronizable(ISynchronizable lhs, ISynchronizable rhs)
Debug.Assert(lhs != null, $"Value cannot be null. Parameter name: { nameof(lhs) }");
Debug.Assert(rhs != null, $"Value cannot be null. Parameter name: { nameof(rhs) }");
m_lhs = lhs;
m_rhs = rhs;
public ISynchronizer GetSynchronizer()
return GetBinarySynchronizer(m_lhs.GetSynchronizer(), m_rhs.GetSynchronizer());
protected abstract BinarySynchronizer GetBinarySynchronizer(ISynchronizer lhs, ISynchronizer rhs);
class ThenSynchronizable : BinarySynchronizable
public ThenSynchronizable(ISynchronizable lhs, ISynchronizable rhs) :
base(lhs, rhs)
{ }
protected override BinarySynchronizer GetBinarySynchronizer(ISynchronizer lhs, ISynchronizer rhs)
return new ThenSynchronizer(lhs, rhs);
class AndSynchronizable : BinarySynchronizable
public AndSynchronizable(ISynchronizable lhs, ISynchronizable rhs) :
base(lhs, rhs)
{ }
protected override BinarySynchronizer GetBinarySynchronizer(ISynchronizer lhs, ISynchronizer rhs)
return new AndSynchronizer(lhs, rhs);
class OrSynchronizable : BinarySynchronizable
public OrSynchronizable(ISynchronizable lhs, ISynchronizable rhs) :
base(lhs, rhs)
{ }
protected override BinarySynchronizer GetBinarySynchronizer(ISynchronizer lhs, ISynchronizer rhs)
return new OrSynchronizer(lhs, rhs);
abstract class BinarySynchronizer : ISynchronizer
protected BinarySynchronizer(ISynchronizer lhs, ISynchronizer rhs)
Debug.Assert(lhs != null, $"Value cannot be null. Parameter name: { nameof(lhs) }");
Debug.Assert(rhs != null, $"Value cannot be null. Parameter name: { nameof(rhs) }");
LeftSynchronizer = lhs;
RightSynchronizer = rhs;
protected ISynchronizer LeftSynchronizer { get; private set; }
protected ISynchronizer RightSynchronizer { get; private set; }
public abstract bool WillHandle(object obj);
public abstract Task Begin(object obj, SynchronousOptions opts = null);
public event EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> Begun
if (LeftSynchronizer != null)
LeftSynchronizer.Begun += value;
if (RightSynchronizer != null)
RightSynchronizer.Begun += value;
if (LeftSynchronizer != null)
LeftSynchronizer.Begun -= value;
if (RightSynchronizer != null)
RightSynchronizer.Begun -= value;
public abstract Task End(object obj, SynchronousOptions opts = null);
public event EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> Ended
if (LeftSynchronizer != null)
LeftSynchronizer.Ended += value;
if (RightSynchronizer != null)
RightSynchronizer.Ended += value;
if (LeftSynchronizer != null)
LeftSynchronizer.Ended -= value;
if (RightSynchronizer != null)
RightSynchronizer.Ended -= value;
public abstract Task NotifyAll(bool state);
public event EventHandler<AllNotifiedEventArgs> AllNotified
if (LeftSynchronizer != null)
LeftSynchronizer.AllNotified += value;
if (RightSynchronizer != null)
RightSynchronizer.AllNotified += value;
if (LeftSynchronizer != null)
LeftSynchronizer.AllNotified -= value;
if (RightSynchronizer != null)
RightSynchronizer.AllNotified -= value;
bool m_disposed;
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!m_disposed)
if (disposing)
m_disposed = true;
public void Dispose()
class ThenSynchronizer : BinarySynchronizer
public ThenSynchronizer(ISynchronizer lhs, ISynchronizer rhs) :
base(lhs, rhs)
{ }
public override bool WillHandle(object obj)
return RightSynchronizer.WillHandle(obj);
public override async Task Begin(object obj, SynchronousOptions opts = null)
if (LeftSynchronizer.WillHandle(obj) && LeftSynchronizer is BinarySynchronizer)
await LeftSynchronizer.Begin(obj, opts);
await RightSynchronizer.Begin(obj, opts);
public override async Task End(object obj, SynchronousOptions opts = null)
var willLeftHandle = LeftSynchronizer.WillHandle(obj);
var willRightHandle = RightSynchronizer.WillHandle(obj);
if (willLeftHandle && willRightHandle)
await Task.CompletedTask;
else if (willLeftHandle)
await RightSynchronizer.End(obj, SynchronousOptions.UpdateInternalOptions(opts, new InternalSynchronousOptions().WithHandlingCondition()));
else if (willRightHandle)
await LeftSynchronizer.End(obj, SynchronousOptions.UpdateInternalOptions(opts, new InternalSynchronousOptions().WithHandlingCondition()));
await LeftSynchronizer.End(obj, opts);
public override async Task NotifyAll(bool state)
await LeftSynchronizer.NotifyAll(state);
await RightSynchronizer.NotifyAll(state);
class AndSynchronizer : BinarySynchronizer
public AndSynchronizer(ISynchronizer lhs, ISynchronizer rhs) :
base(lhs, rhs)
{ }
public override bool WillHandle(object obj)
return true;
public override Task Begin(object obj, SynchronousOptions opts = null)
return Task.WhenAll(LeftSynchronizer.Begin(obj, opts), RightSynchronizer.Begin(obj, opts));
public override Task End(object obj, SynchronousOptions opts = null)
return Task.WhenAll(LeftSynchronizer.End(obj, opts), RightSynchronizer.End(obj, opts));
public override Task NotifyAll(bool state)
return Task.WhenAll(LeftSynchronizer.NotifyAll(state), RightSynchronizer.NotifyAll(state));
class OrSynchronizer : BinarySynchronizer
public OrSynchronizer(ISynchronizer lhs, ISynchronizer rhs) :
base(lhs, rhs)
{ }
public override bool WillHandle(object obj)
return true;
public override Task Begin(object obj, SynchronousOptions opts = null)
return Task.WhenAny(LeftSynchronizer.Begin(obj, opts), RightSynchronizer.Begin(obj, opts));
public override Task End(object obj, SynchronousOptions opts = null)
return Task.WhenAny(LeftSynchronizer.End(obj, opts), RightSynchronizer.End(obj, opts));
public override Task NotifyAll(bool state)
return Task.WhenAny(LeftSynchronizer.NotifyAll(state), RightSynchronizer.NotifyAll(state));
public static class Synchronizable
public static ISynchronizable EventWait(Predicate<object> willHandle,
EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> handleBegun = null, EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> handleEnded = null, EventHandler<AllNotifiedEventArgs> handleAllNotified = null)
if (willHandle == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(willHandle));
return new EventWaitable(willHandle, handleBegun, handleEnded, handleAllNotified);
public static ISynchronizable EventSet(Predicate<object> willHandle,
EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> handleBegun = null, EventHandler<HandledEventArgs> handleEnded = null, EventHandler<AllNotifiedEventArgs> handleAllNotified = null)
if (willHandle == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(willHandle));
return new EventSettable(willHandle, handleBegun, handleEnded, handleAllNotified);
public static ISynchronizable Then(this ISynchronizable lhs, ISynchronizable rhs)
if (lhs == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(lhs));
if (rhs == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(rhs));
return new ThenSynchronizable(lhs, rhs);
public static ISynchronizable And(this ISynchronizable lhs, ISynchronizable rhs)
if (lhs == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(lhs));
if (rhs == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(rhs));
return new AndSynchronizable(lhs, rhs);
public static ISynchronizable Or(this ISynchronizable lhs, ISynchronizable rhs)
if (lhs == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(lhs));
if (rhs == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(rhs));
return new OrSynchronizable(lhs, rhs);
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kekyo commented Aug 29, 2017


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