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Created November 27, 2012 02:53
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def xmltodict (node) :
def _xmltodict (node) :
if len (node) > 0:
dic = {}
for child in node :
[key, value] = _xmltodict (child)
if dic.has_key (key) :
if isinstance (dic[key], list) :
dic[key].append (value)
else :
tmplist = [dic[key], value]
dic[key] = tmplist
else :
dic[key] = value
return [node.tag, dic]
return [node.tag.strip (), node.text.strip()]
[domainkey, domaindict] = _xmltodict (node)
return domaindict
import xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree as etree
print xmltodict (etree (file = open ("hoge.xml")).getroot ())
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