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Der Bunt: Color Harmonies (Alpha 1.1)

Der Bunt: Color Harmonies (Alpha 1.1)


  • Optimise for touch
  • 3d view of color distribution in different color spaces
  • contrast ratio from selected color to all other colors
  • save & export palette
  • alternate palette views

A Pen by David A. on CodePen.


app-wrap('title'='Der Bunt', 'value'='#ffffff')
h3.settings__label Method
select('v-model'='currentSpace', 'v-on:change'='updatePalette')
option('v-for'='space in spacesList', value='{{space}}') {{space}}
h3.settings__label colors
span.settings__value {{maxColors}}
input.settings__input(type='range', min=2, 'v-bind:max'='colorsLimit', step=1, 'v-bind:value'='maxColors', 'v-model'='maxColors', 'v-on:input'='updatePalette')
label.settings__entry('v-for'='attr in currentSettings.attr')
h3.settings__label {{}}
span.settings__value {{attr.value}}
template(v-if='attr.type == "color"')
input.settings__input(type='color', 'v-bind:value'='attr.value', 'v-on:input'='updatePalette', 'v-model'='attr.value')
template(v-if='attr.type == "select"')
select(type='{{attr.type}}', 'v-bind:value'='attr.value', 'v-on:change'='updatePalette', 'v-model'='attr.value')
option(v-for='val in attr.values', value='{{val}}') {{val}}
input.settings__input(type='range', 'v-bind:min'='attr.min', 'v-bind:max'='attr.max', 'v-bind:step'='attr.step', 'v-bind:value'='attr.value', 'v-model'='attr.value', 'v-on:input'='updatePalette')
h3.settings__label start color
input.settings__input(type='text', placeholder='HEX, RGB, HSL, Name, HSV etc..', 'v-on:change'='updatePalette')
let currentColor = {
title: 'Der Bunt',
value: '#ffffff',
index: 15,
total: 16,
let appWrap = Vue.extend({
template: '<div class="app-wrap background" v-bind:style="{background: value}">'
+ '<header class="app-wrap__header">'
+ '<h1 class="app-wrap__title js-title">{{title}}</h1>'
+ '<h2 class="app-wrap__sub js-value">{{value}}</h2>'
+ '<header>'
+ '<slot />'
+ '</div>',
data: () => {
return currentColor;
Vue.component('app-wrap', appWrap);
var blades = {
hovered: null
let blade = Vue.extend({
template: '<article class="blade" v-on:click="setActive"'
+ 'v-on:mouseover="hover(index)" v-bind:style="style()">'
+ '<h2 class="blade__value"><strong>{{color}}</strong></h2>'
+ '<h3 class="blade__label"><span class="blade__label--inner">{{label}}</span></h3>'
+ '</article>',
props: {
color: String,
label: String,
index: Number,
total: Number,
hoverindex: Number
data: function(){
return {
shared: blades,
isHovered: false
methods: {
style: function(){
let rotation = (this.index + 1) * (360 /;
const scale = this.index * 2;
const X = this.hoverindex == this.index ? '-10%' : 0;
/*if (this.hoverindex - 1 === this.index || (this.hoverindex === 0 && this.index == - 1)) {
rotation -= * .3;
} else if (this.hoverindex + 1 === this.index || (this.hoverindex === - 1 && this.index === 0)){
rotation += * .3;
return {
'transform': `rotate(${rotation}deg) translate3d(0,${X},${scale + 20}px)`,
'background-color': this.color,
'color': this.color,
//'height': 42 - (( / 33) * 13) + 'vh'
setActive: function(event){
currentColor.title = this.label;
currentColor.value = this.color;
currentColor.index = this.index;
//this.$dispatch('colorChange', this.index, this.label, this.color);
hover: function(index){
//this.shared.hovered = index;
Vue.component('blade', blade);
let fan = Vue.extend({
template: '<section class="fan" v-bind:style="setRotation()">'
+ '<blade v-for="color in colors" track-by="$index" v-bind:color="color.hex" v-bind:label="" v-bind:index="$index" v-bind:total="colors.length" />'
+ '</section>',
props: {
colors: Array,
label: String,
active: Number,
data: () => {
return currentColor
watch: {
'index': function (val, oldVal) {
created: function () {
/*this.$on('colorChange', (index, label, color) => {
//this.index = index;
if( != this.colors.length ){
this.hoverindex.blades.hovered = null;
} = this.colors.length;
return true;
methods: {
setRotation: function () {
const rotation = (this.index + 1) * (360 /;
return {
transform: `translate3d(0,0,0) rotate(${-rotation || 0}deg)`
Vue.component('fan', fan);
function colorConv(space, ...color) {
let husl, c;
switch (space) {
case 'HSLuv':
var hsl = chroma(color, 'hsl').hsl();
husl = hsluv.hsluvToHex([hsl[0], hsl[1] * 100, hsl[2] * 100]);
case 'HSLuvP':
var hsl = chroma(color, 'hsl').hsl();
husl = husl || hsluv.hpluvToHex([hsl[0], hsl[1] * 100, hsl[2] * 100]);
c = chroma(husl, 'hex');
case 'lch':
c = chroma(color[1], color[2], color[0], 'lch');
case 'cubehelix':
c = chroma.cubehelix()
.lightness([color[4], color[5]]);
c = c(color[0]/360);
case 'scale':
let mode = color[3];
if (color[3] === 'edg') {
mode = 'hsv';
let carr = chroma.scale([color[1], color[2]]).mode(mode).colors(33);
if (color[3] === 'edg') {
let carrRGB = chroma.scale([color[1], color[2]]).mode('rgb').colors(33);
let colrRGB =, i) => {
return chroma.average([col, carrRGB[i]]);
carr = chroma.scale(colrRGB).colors(33);
c = chroma(carr[Math.ceil(32 * (color[0] / 360))]);
c = chroma(color, space);
const hex = c.hex();
return {
color: c,
hex: hex,
css: c.css('hsl'),
name: getClosestNamedColor( hex ).name
let colorSpaces = [
name: ['hsl', 'HSLuv', 'HSLuvP'],
hasStart: true,
attr: [
name: 'hue',
min: 0,
max: 360,
step: 1,
value: 0,
name: 'saturation',
min: 0,
max: 1,
step: 0.01,
value: 1,
name: 'light',
min: 0,
max: 1,
step: 0.01,
value: .8,
name: 'cubehelix',
hasStart: true,
attr: [
name: 'start',
min: 0,
max: 360,
step: 1,
value: 0,
name: 'rotations',
min: -2,
max: 2,
step: 0.01,
value: -1.5,
name: 'hue',
min: 0,
max: 1,
step: 0.01,
value: 1,
name: 'gamma',
min: 0,
max: 1,
step: 0.01,
value: 1,
name: 'lightness min',
min: 0,
max: .9,
step: 0.01,
value: .2,
name: 'lightness max',
min: .1,
max: 1,
step: 0.01,
value: .8,
name: 'lch',
hasStart: false,
attr: [
name: 'h',
min: 0,
max: 360,
step: 1,
value: 20,
name: 'l',
min: 0,
max: 100,
step: 1,
value: 75,
name: 'c',
min: 0,
max: 100,
step: 1,
value: 100,
name: 'scale',
hasStart: false,
attr: [
name: 'shift',
min: 0,
max: 360,
step: 1,
value: 0,
name: 'start',
value: '#72ffd7',
type: 'color',
name: 'stop',
value: '#f03b50',
type: 'color',
name: 'space',
value: 'lab',
values: ['lab', 'hsl', 'hsv', 'hsi', 'lch', 'rgb', 'lrgb', 'edg', 'num'],
type: 'select',
let palette = new Vue({
el: '.js-palette',
data: {
activeColor: 0,
rawcolors: [],
startColor: null,
maxColors: 16,
colorsLimit: 33,
currentSpace: 'HSLuvP',
spaces: colorSpaces,
computed: {
colors: {
get: function(){
return this.rawcolors;
set: function(colors){
const currentSpace = this.currentSpace;
this.rawcolors ={
var colorConvArgs = color;
return colorConv.apply(null, colorConvArgs);
currentSettings: function() {
return this.spaces.find((space) => {
return (this.currentSpace == || !== -1);
spacesList: function(){
let list = [];
this.spaces.forEach((space) => {
list = list.concat(typeof === 'string' ? [] :;
return list;
methods: {
updatePalette: function() {
let colors = [];
const currentSpace = this.currentSpace;
let systemData = this.currentSettings;
for(let i = 0; i < this.maxColors; i++){
let color = [(((i/this.maxColors) * 360) + systemData.attr[0].value) % 360];
systemData.attr.forEach((attr, i) => {
if (i)
this.colors = colors; = colors.length;
currentColor.index = colors.length - 1;
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