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Last active October 15, 2017 00:05
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generate is-spec
import std.string, std.algorithm, std.range.primitives;
// a | void a()
// a :: b, c, ... | void a(b, c, ...)
// a :: b, c, ... -> r | r a(b, c, ...)
// a -> r | r a()
string generateIsSpec(string typename, string spec)
auto buf = "{\nimport std.traits : lvalueOf;\n" ~
"return is(typeof(" ~ typename ~ ".init) == " ~ typename ~ ") &&\n";
auto specSplitted = spec.lineSplitter;
size_t i = 0;
foreach (const l; specSplitted) {
if (l.strip.empty) {
if (i != 0 && !specSplitted.empty) {
buf ~= " &&\n";
buf ~= "is(typeof(lvalueOf!(" ~ typename ~ ").";
if (auto parts = l.findSplit("::")) {
auto fname = parts[0].strip;
buf ~= fname ~ "(";
auto fspec = parts[2].findSplit("->");
auto fparams = (fspec ? fspec[0] : parts[2]).splitter(',');
if (!fparams.empty) {
auto j = 0;
foreach (const param; fparams) {
if (j != 0 && !fparams.empty) {
buf ~= ", ";
buf ~= "lvalueOf!(" ~ param.strip ~ ")";
buf ~= ")";
buf ~= ")";
auto fretType = fspec[2].strip;
if (!fretType.empty && fretType != "void") {
buf ~= " == " ~ fretType;
} else if (auto parts = l.findSplit("->")) {
auto fname = parts[0].strip;
buf ~= fname ~ "())";
auto fretType = parts[2].strip;
if (!fretType.empty && fretType != "void") {
buf ~= " == " ~ fretType;
} else {
buf ~= l.strip ~ "())";
buf ~= ")";
return buf ~ ";\n}()";
enum isThing(T) = mixin(generateIsSpec(
hello :: int, string -> Asd
ayy :: real
wellShit -> string
struct Asd
int a;
string b;
struct Thing
static assert(isThing!Thing);
Asd hello(int a, string b)
return Asd(a, b);
void ayy(real hurr)
string wellShit()
return "ohoho";
void doit() {}
struct Foo(Thingo) if (isThing!Thingo)
Thingo t;
void main(string[] args)
auto foo = Foo!Thing();
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