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Created November 4, 2021 17:53
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Literate code for a simple lexer in Rust
/// let's create a lexer to tokenise a simplistic arithmetic language,
/// with integers, plusses and minuses!
/// playground:
/// to store the state of our lexer we'll just create a lexer struct:
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Lexer {
source: String,
current: usize,
start: usize,
peeked: Option<Result<Token, String>>
/// `source` is just, the source string, the code, whatever;
/// `current` points to the current character in the source that we're looking
/// at, which, importantly, always points to the *next* character, like, if we
/// just parsed "a" in the string 'abc' then index will equal 1 and not 0 or
/// anything.
/// `start` points to the start of the current token. this lets us track the
/// text of a token.
/// `peeked` buffers a peeked token so that we can take it out when we `next`
/// later.
/// note that there are other formulations for a lexer, but this one is simple
/// enough to work fine.
/// now we also need a struct for a token:
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum TokenKind {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Token {
kind: TokenKind,
lexeme: String
/// the `kind` just, tells us the kind of this token. it can be an integer, a
/// plus '+' or a minus '-'. the lexeme holds the token's text, so if you parse
/// the integer "1234" lexeme should == "1234". it can also be an "End" which is
/// just a marker token for the end of the source. i could get rid of this and
/// instead use `Option<Token>`, but that is a lot less convenient, so
/// whatever.
/// with that in place we can start implementing the lexer:
impl Lexer {
/// a simple constructor, clones its given source string.
pub fn new(source: &str) -> Self {
Self {
source: source.into(),
current: 0,
start: 0,
peeked: None
/// this is just a simple constructor, which clones the source it's given
/// (you can opt to not do that but then you have to store a reference in
/// your Lexer and thus use generic lifetimes and in the Token too)
/// these are some helper functions for dealing with iterating on `Source`:
/// peek at the current character, without advancing. note that we can't
/// index directly into a string in rust so we need to slice it at current,
/// and then use `.chars()` to get the first char of the slice.
fn current(&mut self) -> Option<char> {
/// returns the current character and advances `current` by one. note the
/// handling of unicode: adding by 1 instead of the character's encoded
/// length could make us panic by indexing inside an UTF-8 character, so we
/// use the proper UTF-8 length.
fn advance(&mut self) -> Option<char> {
.map(|c| {
self.current += c.len_utf8();
/// gets the current lexeme by using `start` and `current`:
fn lexeme(&self) -> &str {
&self.source[self.start .. self.current]
/// before diving into the proper scanning method, here's a method that
/// simply skips over all the whitespace it finds and nothing else. we'll
/// use this later to do well, exactly that.
fn skip_whitespace(&mut self) {
// go through the string until it ends, without advancing.
while let Some(c) = self.current() {
// if this character is a whitespace, advance and continue.
// otherwise, stop, as we don't want to consume any non-whitespace
// characters.
if c.is_ascii_whitespace() {
} else {
/// hopefully that was understandable, now we're off to scan integers:
fn scan_integer(&mut self) -> Result<Token, String> {
// if this method is called, we *guarantee* that `start` points to an
// ascii digit; you can see that later on. so, let's just scan as many
// digits as we can:
while let Some(c) = self.current() {
if c.is_ascii_digit() {
} else {
// as you can see this is nearly the same code as for whitespace. this
// is kinda the General Scanning Procedure:
// for each character:
// advance if it is what you want
// stop if not
// since we've scanned all digits we could, let's get the text and
// parse it into an u64:
let value = self.lexeme().parse::<u64>();
// oh fuck, wait. parsing can fail, as our integer may be larger than
// u64::MAX! let's handle it, by mapping parse's error into our own
// and re-throwing it with `?`:
let value = value.map_err(|e| {
// the only error that can happen here is PosOverflow due to our
// parsing work before, but let's be sure with an assert.
assert_eq!(e.kind(), &std::num::IntErrorKind::PosOverflow);
// yay for good error messages!
format!("integer literal '{}' is too large", self.lexeme())
// now we can emit a token:
Ok(Token {
kind: TokenKind::Integer(value),
lexeme: self.lexeme().into()
/// now that we're done with our helpers, let's implement "next_impl": this
/// scans the source and returns a token: given a Lexer with source:
/// "12 + 1", current: 0, and start: 0, it will scan "12" and be left at
/// source: "12 + 1", current: 2, and start: 0. this is just like an
/// iterator for a "virtual" token stream. the next call to `next` starts
/// from that and so on until the end.
/// also note the possibility of errors; i'm using String as an error type
/// for simplicity but you can make a rich Error struct or whatever.
/// and also this isn't the real method we'll use in parsing or whatever,
/// this is just an internal method that does the hard work and we handle
/// peeking etc. later.
fn next_impl(&mut self) -> Result<Token, String> {
// before 'next'ing we have to get rid of any "ignorable" characters,
// such as whitespace:
// set start to current to "sync" the lexeme tracking:
self.start = self.current;
// unconditionally get & advance the current character:
let c = self.advance();
// the Big Match looks at the current character and emits the
// appropriate token for it:
match c {
// if None, we reached the end
None =>
Ok(Token { kind: TokenKind::End, lexeme: self.lexeme().into() }),
// if 0..=9 this is an integer! start scanning that
Some('0'..='9') =>
// + is Plus, - is Minus
Some('+') =>
Ok(Token { kind: TokenKind::Plus, lexeme: self.lexeme().into() }),
Some('-') =>
Ok(Token { kind: TokenKind::Minus, lexeme: self.lexeme().into() }),
// everything else is an error!
wtf => Err(format!("unrecognised character {:?}", wtf))
/// we're literally done with our lexer proper. now just handling peeking
/// and nexting!
pub fn peek(&mut self) -> Result<&Token, &String> {
// if there is something already peeked, get it, otherwise call
// next_impl to do the hard work.
if self.peeked.is_none() {
self.peeked = Some(self.next_impl());
// yes this is ugly, but rust kinda sucks here
pub fn next(&mut self) -> Result<Token, String> {
// if there is something already peeked, take it (leaving None on its
// place), otherwise call next_impl to do the hard work.
.unwrap_or_else(|| self.next_impl())
/// testing the bitch out
fn main() {
let mut lexer = Lexer::new("50 + 60 - 99");
loop {
match {
Ok(token) => {
println!("{:?}", token);
if token.kind == TokenKind::End {
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("error: {}", e);
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