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Last active February 4, 2018 20:09
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All Tests Pass Week 3: Manual Minification
// This file includes the reasoning behind my manual minification choices.
// I wouldn't write code like this for an actual project because if I
// looked at this code in 2 months, I'd probably say WTF.
function largestCommonSubstring(a, b) {
// Use one declaration to minimize the number of let statements
let l = 0, // Length of the longest common substring
s = '', // Substring to return
// Generate mxn array filled with zeroes
// I would probably call this "lcs" in a real project,
// but "d" is shorthand for "dynamic programming table"
d = Array(a.length).fill([]).map(() => Array(b.length).fill(0))
/* Removed the equality check because it is an optimization that does not
* affect the return value. It's something that you might want in production
* code because it avoids unnecessary work, but we're playing code golf.
// Using forEach loop, we can get rid of length checking and boundary
// conditions. The matrix represents a grid with each string as an axis
// so we can use those boundaries to iterate over the strings.
// The second parameter of the forEach callback is the index.
d.forEach((r, j) =>
r.forEach((c, i) =>
// Because we initialized the matrix to all zeroes,
// we could get rid of the null check.
// We really only care if the two characters are the same.
// I'm sorry for the nested ternary expressions, but it saves characters!
a[j] === b[i]
// If we're in the first row/col, the longest substring must be length 1
// Otherwise, the new longest substring is one longer
? ((d[i][j] = i && j ? d[i - 1][j - 1] + 1 : 1),
// Using Math.max lets us skip the conditional check
(l = Math.max(l, d[i][j])))
// If the characters aren't the same, reset to zero.
: d[i][j] = 0
// At this point, we have the longest common substring in the table,
// so we use forEach to iterate over the elements of the table and
// use the indicies of the table to get the substring out of the input string
d.forEach((r, _) =>
r.forEach((c, i) => {
if (c === l) s = a.slice(i - (l - 1), i + 1)
// !1 is shorter than false, but don't use this in real code
return s === '' ? !1 : s
* Week 3 - Largest Common Substring (Manual Minification)
* Given two strings, return either a string that matches the largest common substring or false.
* Examples:
* largestCommonSubstring("foo", "bar"); // false
* largestCommonSubstring("foobarbaz", "foo"); // "foo"
* largestCommonSubstring("foobarbaz", "bazbaz"); // "baz"
* largestCommonSubstring("the quick brown fox", "i like brown as a color"); // "brown"
function largestCommonSubstring(a, b) {
let l = 0,
s = '',
d = Array(a.length).fill([]).map(() => Array(b.length).fill(0))
d.forEach((r, j) =>
r.forEach((c, i) =>
a[j] === b[i]
? ((d[i][j] = i && j ? d[i - 1][j - 1] + 1 : 1),
(l = Math.max(l, d[i][j])))
: d[i][j] = 0
d.forEach((r, _) =>
r.forEach((c, i) => {
if (c === l) s = a.slice(i - (l - 1), i + 1)
return s === '' ? !1 : s
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