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Created April 12, 2021 08:17
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<h1 id="title">Nelson Mandela</h1>
<h3>A man guided with hope, not fear.</h3>
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Photo Credit: Boston Big Picture
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A hundred years ago, on July 18th 1918 was born a hero, a revolutionary and a leader like no other. His name is Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, affectionately known as Madiba. Mandela has surely been venerated by more millions in his lifetime than any political figure in history. In working to free his country from racial division, he led an essentially peaceful revolution, culminating in his release from prison in 1990 and the post-apartheid election of 1994, which saw him elected as the first president of a democratic South Africa. The world responded to the qualities it perceived in the man, as well as to the scale of his achievement.
Mr. Mandela’s quest for freedom took him from the court of tribal royalty to the liberation underground to a prison rock quarry to the presidential suite of Africa’s richest country. And then, when his first term of office was up, unlike so many of the successful revolutionaries he regarded as kindred spirits, he declined a second term and cheerfully handed over power to an elected successor, the country still gnawed by crime, poverty, corruption and disease but a democracy, respected in the world and remarkably at peace.
On August 12 2017, former US President Barack Obama tweeted the following quote by Nelson Mandela:
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No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion…
Obama’s Tweet After Charlottesville became the Most-Liked Ever. While Obama himself explicitly mentioned Mandela in his 3-part tweet, most of the mainstream media failed to recognize these words of wisdom to their true author. So let’s Give credit where credit is due.
Long Walk to Freedom is an autobiographical work written by South African President Nelson Mandela, and first published in 1994. Throughout his remarkable and dramatic life, Mandela has witnessed the same hatred and bigotry that swept through Charlottesville, yet he never lost hope and this is what he said about it:
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“I never lost hope that this great transformation would occur. Not only because of the great heroes I have already cited, but because of the courage of the ordinary men and women of my country. I always knew that deep down in every human heart, there is mercy and generosity. No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. Even in the grimmest times in prison, when my comrades and I were pushed to our limits, I would see a glimmer of humanity in one of the guards, perhaps for just a second, but it was enough to reassure me and keep me going. Man’s goodness is a flame that can be hidden but never extinguished.”
Today marks Madiba’s 102nd birthday, a remarkable man and leader who is a true inspiration for freedom and justice in the world. On this expectional anniversary, I could not find a better tribute than Barack Obama’s lecture at this occasion. Throughout the speech, Mr. Obama returned to the ideals promoted by Mandela, the anti-apartheid South African leader, saying that his release from prison in 1990 inspired a wave of racial and gender equality and economic progress nearly everywhere. Countries were lifted out of poverty. Entrepreneurs surfaced from all parts of the world.
“On Madiba’s 100th birthday, we now stand at a crossroads,” Mr. Obama said, using Mr. Mandela’s clan name, a term of affection in South Africa for him. “A moment in time in which two very different visions of humanity’s future compete for the hearts and minds of citizens around the world. Two different stories, two different narratives, about who we are and who we should be.”
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It was in service of this long walk towards freedom and justice and equal opportunity that Nelson Mandela devoted his life. At the outset, his struggle was particular to this place, to his homeland — a fight to end apartheid, a fight to ensure lasting political and social and economic equality for its disenfranchised non-white citizens. But through his sacrifice and unwavering leadership and, perhaps most of all, through his moral example, Mandela and the movement he led would come to signify something larger. He came to embody the universal aspirations of dispossessed people all around the world, their hopes for a better life, the possibility of a m
Today is a great reminder to all of us that freedom does not come for free. In his Letter From Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King Jr wrote:
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We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.
Today is also a great reminder to all of us that there is always hope. The life of Nelson Mandela, A prisoner turned President, a man who was on the The U.S. Government Terrorist Watch Lists Until 2008, is a hope inspiration by itself. As stated by Apple CEO Tim Cook: Nelson Mandela’s sacrifice and triumph teach us what a powerful impact one person can have. “We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands to make a difference.”
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<a href="" id="tribute-link" target="_blank">Read more on Medium</a>
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