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Federico Carrone unbalancedparentheses

View GitHub Profile
# To set this up, first get tailscale working in an isolated linux shell:
# 1. sudo systemctl stop tailscaled.service
# 2. tailscaled -port 9993 -state tailscale-luks-setup.state -tun userspace-networking -socket ./tailscaled.sock
# 3. tailscale -socket ./tailscaled.sock up -hostname HOSTNAME-luks
# 4. tailscale -socket ./tailscaled.sock down
# 5. ctrl-c out of tailscaled
# 6 sudo systemctl start tailscaled.service
# Then add the .state file to your machine secrets and pass its path as tailscaleStatePath.
chris-belcher /
Last active January 7, 2024 15:10
ohanhi /
Last active May 6, 2024 05:17
Learning FP the hard way: Experiences on the Elm language

Learning FP the hard way: Experiences on the Elm language

by Ossi Hanhinen, @ohanhi

with the support of Futurice 💚.

Licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Editorial note

junegunn / vimawesome.vim
Last active September 1, 2024 11:18
Plugin completion using VimAwesome API
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function! VimAwesomeComplete() abort
let prefix = matchstr(strpart(getline('.'), 0, col('.') - 1), '[.a-zA-Z0-9_/-]*$')
echohl WarningMsg
echo 'Downloading plugin list from VimAwesome'
echohl None
ruby << EOF
require 'json'
#lang racket
(require net/http-client)
(require net/url)
(require json)
(require net/uri-codec)
(require racket/cmdline)
(define lg (make-logger 'currency-logger))
(current-logger lg)

2015-01-29 Unofficial Relay FAQ

Compilation of questions and answers about Relay from React.js Conf.

Disclaimer: I work on Relay at Facebook. Relay is a complex system on which we're iterating aggressively. I'll do my best here to provide accurate, useful answers, but the details are subject to change. I may also be wrong. Feedback and additional questions are welcome.

What is Relay?

Relay is a new framework from Facebook that provides data-fetching functionality for React applications. It was announced at React.js Conf (January 2015).

paf31 /
Last active August 8, 2023 05:53
24 Days of PureScript

This blog post series has moved here.

You might also be interested in the 2016 version.

# Quick and dirty demonstration of CVE-2014-0160 by Jared Stafford (
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code.
import sys
import struct
import socket
import time
import select
import re
from optparse import OptionParser
audreyfeldroy /
Last active February 23, 2023 15:03
My PyPI Release Checklist
  • Update
  • Commit the changes:
git add
git commit -m "Changelog for upcoming release 0.1.1."
  • Update version number (can also be minor or major)
bumpversion patch