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Last active July 4, 2019 01:36
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Mesh trail
extends Spatial
# materials have to be set as transparent
# change depth draw mode
# change render priority
# probably won't work on GLES2 due to this
export var mesh_amount : int = 8
var mesh_trail = []
onready var Anim = $AnimationPlayer
onready var mesh = $Skeleton/Beta_Surface
onready var skeleton = $Skeleton
onready var Trail = $Trail
func _ready() -> void:
# trail object won't update position with nodes
$TimerTrail.connect("timeout", self, "_on_TimerTrail_timeout")
func _on_TimerTrail_timeout() -> void:
# duplicate skeleton
var ns = skeleton.duplicate()
ns.global_transform = skeleton.global_transform
# apply material to meshes of skeleton
for node in ns.get_children():
if node is MeshInstance:
node.set_surface_material(0, preload("res://tests/mesh trail/trail_mat.tres"))
# duplicate anim player
var na = Anim.duplicate()
# create new trail obj
var nt = = "trail_"
# add skeleton and animation player
na.autoplay = ""
# add trail to array
if mesh_trail.size() > mesh_amount:
var t = mesh_trail.pop_front()
# add trail to scene
# setup na
if Anim.is_playing():
na.current_animation = Anim.current_animation
na.stop(), true)
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