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Created December 10, 2023 11:38
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Haskell string literals with custom compile-time validation
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, PolyKinds, TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=Overloaded -fplugin-opt=Overloaded:Symbols #-}
module Main where
import Data.Fixed
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type)
import Data.NonEmptyText as NeT (NonEmptyText, fromText)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Data.Symbol.Ascii as S
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Fcf
import Fcf.Class.Monoid (type (<>))
import Fcf.Data.List (Cons, Concat)
import GHC.TypeLits hiding (type (*))
import Overloaded.Symbols (FromSymbol(..))
-- Exercize 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
type family NonEmptyInvariant (s :: Symbol) :: Constraint where
NonEmptyInvariant "" = TypeError ('Text "Empty string as NonEmptyText literal")
NonEmptyInvariant _s = ()
instance (NonEmptyInvariant lit, KnownSymbol lit) => FromSymbol lit NonEmptyText where
fromSymbol = nothingImpossible . NeT.fromText . T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy @lit) where
nothingImpossible (Just x) = x
nothingImpossible Nothing = error "compile-time invariant violated"
demo1 :: [NonEmptyText]
demo1 =
[ "hello, types"
-- , "" -- compile error here, as expected!
-- Exercize 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
type DurationUnitTable = '[
'("us", 1)
, '("ms", 1000)
, '("s", 1_000_000)
, '("m", 60_000_000)
, '("h", 3600_000_000)
, '("d", 86400_000_000)
type GenericParseErrorText
= 'Text "Time duration with no parse; try 1s, 3ms, 50us, 5m, 12h"
type AvailableDurationUnitsText
= 'Text "Unrecognized time-duration unit, try one of these suffixes:" ':$$:
'Text (Eval (CommaEnumerate =<< Map Fst DurationUnitTable) <> ".")
data CommaEnumerate :: [Symbol] -> Exp Symbol
type instance Eval (CommaEnumerate '[]) = "(no options)"
type instance Eval (CommaEnumerate '[x]) = "only " <> x
type instance Eval (CommaEnumerate '[x, y]) = x <> " and " <> y
type instance Eval (CommaEnumerate (x ': y ': z ': rest))
= x <> ", " <> Eval (CommaEnumerate (y ': z ': rest))
-- | Type-level parser of time-duration-with-units from compile-time string literal
type family ParseDurationMicros (s :: Symbol) :: Nat where
ParseDurationMicros s
= Eval (
(Uncurry (*) <=< ParseDurationDigits *** ParseDurationUnitMultiplier)
=<< BreakUntil (Not <=< IsDigit)
=<< Pure (S.ToList s)
data ParseDurationUnitMultiplier :: [Symbol] -> Exp Nat
type instance Eval (ParseDurationUnitMultiplier suffix)
= Eval (
FromMaybe (TypeError AvailableDurationUnitsText)
=<< Flip Lookup DurationUnitTable
=<< Concat suffix
data ParseDurationDigits :: [Symbol] -> Exp Nat
type instance Eval (ParseDurationDigits digits)
= If (Eval (TyEq digits '[]))
(TypeError GenericParseErrorText)
(Eval (ReadNat' =<< Concat digits))
-- | FCF-defunctionalized 'ReadNat' from @symbols@. On parse error, it raises a
-- TypeError rather than returning 'Nothing -- so we check empty input beforehand.
data ReadNat' :: Symbol -> Exp Nat
type instance Eval (ReadNat' num) = ReadNat num
-- | The obvious character predicate. One technicality: it's rather hard to turn
-- Symbol into ['Char] (worse, it's somewhat of a miracle that decomposing Symbol
-- into a list of one-character Symbols is possible).
-- For this reason, the implementation isn't made with range comparison, a-la
-- @Not (CmpSymbol s "0" == 'LE) && Not (CmpSymbol "9" == 'GT)@
-- as it wouldn't be good enough: IsDigit "5? yep" would evaluate to 'True.
data IsDigit :: Symbol -> Exp Bool
type instance Eval (IsDigit s) = Eval (Case '[
"0" --> 'True, "1" --> 'True, "2" --> 'True, "3" --> 'True, "4" --> 'True,
"5" --> 'True, "6" --> 'True, "7" --> 'True, "8" --> 'True, "9" --> 'True,
Else (ConstFn 'False)
] s)
-- | FCF-defunctionalized typelevel 'Data.List.break': split a list in two,
-- at the first point where the supplied predicate starts yielding 'True.
data BreakUntil :: (k -> Exp Bool) -> [k] -> Exp ([k], [k])
type instance Eval (BreakUntil _ '[])
= '( '[], '[] )
type instance Eval (BreakUntil p (x ': xs))
= Eval (If (Eval (p x))
(Pure '( '[], x ': xs ))
(Cons x *** Pure =<< BreakUntil p xs)
-- | 'Micro' which remembers the original text it was parsed from.
-- This is useful for roundtrip property @toJson . fromJson === id@.
data MicroWithOrig = MicroWithOrig { mwoVal :: Micro, mwoOrig :: T.Text }
instance Eq MicroWithOrig where (==) = (==) `on` mwoVal
instance Show MicroWithOrig where show = show . mwoOrig
instance (KnownSymbol lit, KnownNat (ParseDurationMicros lit))
=> FromSymbol lit MicroWithOrig where
fromSymbol = case Proxy @(ParseDurationMicros lit) of
(Proxy :: Proxy micros) -> MicroWithOrig {..} where
mwoOrig = T.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy @lit)
mwoVal = MkFixed @Type @E6 $ natVal (Proxy @micros)
demo2 :: [MicroWithOrig]
demo2 =
[ "40m"
-- , ""
-- , "150years"
-- , "sdf"
-- , "150years"
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ print demo2
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