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Created March 3, 2016 21:49
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Smooth AVPlayer scrolling performance fix
> In,, and, local videos can be rewound using the video scrubber. Scrubbing backwards in a video is extremely smooth and satisfying.
> Using AVPlayer in our app, ScoreBreak, we cannot achieve the same smoothness when scrubbing a video backwards. There are reports on stack overflow which indicate that this is due to the codec used by AVPlayer.
> We would like to deliver the same beautiful user interaction with videos as offered by your system apps. Can you instruct us on how to achieve this while using AVFoundation?
> • Create test application which utilizes AVPlayer for local video file playback
> • Scrub backwards using AVPlayer controller
> • Compare against (or iMovie) scrubbing performance
> • Note that the scrolling is "jumpy", or choppy; not smooth
I assume you are using the AVPlayer seekToTime method to perform seeks when scrubbing?
And are you calling AVPlayer seekToTime in rapid succession when the user drags the scrubber?
If you are calling AVPlayer seekToTime in rapid succession, this can have the effect of cancelling any seeks already in progress, resulting in a lot of seeking and not a lot of displaying of the target frames. Instead, you can use the completionHandler variety of that method (
seekToTime:completionHandler:) and wait for a seek in progress to complete first before issuing another.
Here's an example:
- (void)_actuallySeekToTime
_isSeekInProgress = YES;
CMTime seekTimeInProgress = _chaseTime;
[_player seekToTime:seekTimeInProgress toleranceBefore:kCMTimeZero toleranceAfter:kCMTimeZero completionHandler:
^(BOOL isFinished)
if (CMTIME_COMPARE_INLINE(seekTimeInProgress, ==, _chaseTime))
_isSeekInProgress = NO;
[self _trySeekToChaseTime];
- (void)_trySeekToChaseTime
if (_playerCurrentItemStatus == AVPlayerItemStatusUnknown)
// do it when item becomes ready (KVO _player.currentItem.status)
else if (_playerCurrentItemStatus == AVPlayerItemStatusReadyToPlay)
[self _actuallySeekToTime];
- (void)stopPlayingAndSeekSmoothlyToTime:(CMTime)newChaseTime
[_player setRate:0.0];
if (CMTIME_COMPARE_INLINE(newChaseTime, !=, _chaseTime))
_chaseTime = newChaseTime;
if (!_isSeekInProgress)
[self _trySeekToChaseTime];
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