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Cloud Deployment Manager & Kubernetes
def GenerateConfig(context):
"""Generate YAML resource configuration."""
cluster_types_root = '{}/kubernetes'.format(context.env['project'])
cluster_types = {
'Service': '{}-v1:/api/v1/namespaces/{{namespace}}/services'.format(cluster_types_root),
'Deployment': '{}-v1beta1-apps:/apis/apps/v1beta1/namespaces/{{namespace}}/deployments'.format(cluster_types_root),
'Ingress': '{}-v1beta1-extensions:/apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/{{namespace}}/ingresses'.format(cluster_types_root),
name =['name']
image =['image']
port =['port']
resources = [{
'name': name + '-deployment',
'type': cluster_types['Deployment'],
'properties': {
'apiVersion': 'apps/v1beta1',
'kind': 'Deployment',
'namespace': 'default',
'metadata': {
'name': name + '-deployment'
'spec': {
'replicas': 1,
'template': {
'metadata': {
'labels': {
'name': name + '-deployment',
'app': name
'spec': {
'containers': [{
'name': 'container',
'image': image,
'ports': [{
'containerPort': port
}, {
'name': name + '-service',
'type': cluster_types['Service'],
'properties': {
'apiVersion': 'v1',
'kind': 'Service',
'namespace': 'default',
'metadata': {
'name': name + '-service',
'labels': {
'id': 'deployment-manager'
'spec': {
'type': 'NodePort',
'ports': [{
'port': port,
'targetPort': port,
'protocol': 'TCP'
'selector': {
'app': name
}, {
'name': name + '-ingress',
'type': cluster_types['Ingress'],
'properties': {
'apiVersion': 'extensions/v1beta1',
'kind': 'Ingress',
'namespace': 'default',
'metadata': {
'name': name + '-ingress'
'spec': {
'backend': {
'serviceName': name + '-service',
'servicePort': port,
return {'resources': resources}
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