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Created June 30, 2020 08:27
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GitInfo latest changes shortcode for hugo
{{/* Serve and compile your pages with --enableGitInfo for this to work */}}
{{/* Put the following lines into layouts/shortcodes/latest-changes.html */}}
{{/* then use {{< latest-changes >}} in your documents */}}
{{/* Empty dict for change storage where key is the github link & value is a slice with changed pages */}}
{{ $latest_changes := dict }}
{{/* Slice for storing github links with date because dict iteration is not sorted */}}
{{ $latest_changes_sorted := slice }}
{{/* Iterate over last 10 changed pages in reverse (latest is first) */}}
{{ range first 15 .Site.AllPages.ByLastmod.Reverse }}
{{/* Create some variables for better readability of this code */}}
{{ $date := .Lastmod.Format "2006-01-02 15:04" }}
{{ $datetime := .Lastmod.Format "2006-01-02 15:04:05" }}
{{ $gh_link := printf "<span datetime=\"%s\" class=\"timeago\" title=\"%s\">%s</span> [%s](%s/commit/%s)" $datetime $date $date .GitInfo.Subject $.Site.Params.github_repo .GitInfo.Hash }}
{{ $page_link := printf "[%s](%s) (`%s`)" .Title .Permalink .RelPermalink }}
{{/* If key not in dict, create empty slice for key */}}
{{ $curr_slice := default slice (index $latest_changes $gh_link) }}
{{ if eq (len $curr_slice) 0 }}
{{ $s := slice }}
{{ $init_dict := dict $gh_link $s }}
{{ $latest_changes = merge $latest_changes $init_dict }}
{{ $latest_changes_sorted = $latest_changes_sorted | append $gh_link }}
{{ end }}
{{/* Append page link to slice corresponding to github link */}}
{{ $change_links := index $latest_changes $gh_link | append $page_link }}
{{ $dict_to_merge := dict $gh_link $change_links }}
{{ $latest_changes = merge $latest_changes $dict_to_merge }}
{{ end }}
<ul>{{ range $change_link := $latest_changes_sorted }}
<li>{{ markdownify $change_link }}:
<ul>{{- range index $latest_changes $change_link -}}
<li>{{ markdownify . }}</li>
{{- end -}}</ul></li>
{{ end }}
{{/* Optional js based relative time formatting */}}
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="module">timeago.render(document.querySelectorAll('.timeago'));</script>
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