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Forked from anonymous/
Created April 27, 2012 03:59
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Da bikebot code
import bcrypt
import redis
import re, os
import urllib2
import json
import time
import datetime
import supybot.conf as conf
import supybot.utils as utils
from supybot.commands import *
import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs
import supybot.plugins as plugins
import supybot.ircutils as ircutils
import supybot.callbacks as callbacks
import supybot.schedule as schedule
class Reddit(callbacks.Plugin):
'''Add the help for '@plugin help Reddit' here
This should describe *how* to use this plugin.'''
threaded = True
def __init__(self, irc):
self.__parent = super(Reddit, self)
self.redis_server = redis.Redis('localhost')
self.errors = {
'about': '%s is boring as hell because I know nothing about him/her',
'location': '%s must live on the moon',
'photo': '%s is not pretty enough to have a photo',
'bike': '%s must have a derpy bike because I don\'t know what it is',
'reddit': '%s is not a redditor',
'bikephoto': '%s must have non-photogenic bike because I don\'t have a picture'}
self.replies = {
'about': '%s wanted you to know: %s',
'location': '%s\'s location is %s',
'photo': '%s\'s photo is %s',
'bike': '%s has a %s',
'reddit': '%s has been a redditor for %s days, has %s link karma and %s comment karma',
'bikephoto': 'Here is %s\'s sexy ass bike: %s'}
self.functions = {
'about': self._do_others ,
'location': self._do_others ,
'photo': self._do_others ,
'bike': self._do_others,
'reddit': self._do_reddit,
'bikephoto': self._do_others
def _default(self, irc, msg, args, text):
cmd = msg.args[1].split()[0].lower()
if cmd[0] in ['.','!','#']:
cmd = cmd[1:]
if text.split()[0] == 'set':
#if not self._check_host(msg):
# irc.reply('Your hostname does not match the one last used. If this is really you, tell an op.')
# return
self._set_data(msg.nick, cmd,, text[4:])
if msg.args[0] == '#/r/bicycling':
irc.reply('Done, but if you want to change more data please /msg me so you don\'t spam the channel.')
nick = text.split()[0]
data = str(self._get_data(nick, cmd)).strip()
if not data or data == 'None':
irc.reply(self.errors[cmd] % nick)
irc.reply(self.functions[cmd](nick, cmd))
reddit = wrap(_default, ['text'])
about = wrap(_default, ['text'])
location = wrap(_default, ['text'])
bike = wrap(_default, ['text'])
photo = wrap(_default, ['text'])
bikephoto = wrap(_default, ['text'])
def clear_host(self, irc, msg, args, nick):
if msg.nick in irc.state.channels[msg.args[0]].ops:
self.redis_server.hset('users:%s' % nick.lower(), 'host', False)
irc.reply('%s\'s hostlock has been lifted.' % nick, prefixNick=False)
irc.reply('You need to be an op to do that.')
clear_host = wrap(clear_host, ['nick'])
def beer(self, irc, msg, args, offender):
Gets <nick> a beer.
if offender == 'bikebot':
text = 'smashes a beer over %s\'s head' % msg.nick
text = 'gets %s a beer' % (offender)
irc.reply(text, prefixNick=False, action=True, to='#/r/bicycling')
beer = wrap(beer, ['nick'])
def weather(self, irc, msg, args, offender):
gets weather for place
irc.reply('Go look out the window %s' % msg.nick, prefixNick=False, action=True, to='#/r/bicycling')
weather = wrap(weather, ['text'])
def slap(self, irc, msg, args, offender):
Slaps <nick>.
if offender == 'bikebot':
text = 'punches %s in the face' % msg.nick
text = 'slaps %s' % offender
irc.reply(text, prefixNick=False, action=True, to='#/r/bicycling')
slap = wrap(slap, ['nick'])
def fuckshitupyo(self, irc, msg, args):
if msg.nick in irc.state.channels[msg.args[0]].ops:
for nick in self.redis_server.smembers('users'):
for d in ['about','reddit','bike','location','photo']:
o = self.redis_server.hget('users:%s' % nick.lower(), d)
if o == 'None':
self.redis_server.hdel('users:%s' % nick.lower(), d)
irc.reply('Shit has been fucked up.')
irc.reply('bitch please')
fuckshitupyo = wrap(fuckshitupyo)
def doJoin(self, irc, msg):
self.redis_server.sadd('online_users', msg.nick)
then = int(self.redis_server.get('last_message'))
now = int(time.time())
d = now - then
minutes = d / 60
if self.Create_user(msg.nick) and minutes > 5:
irc.reply('Hey %s, it looks like nobody is talking now so if you \
have a question, ask it and then stick around for an answer.' % msg.nick)
def doQuit(self, irc, msg):
self.redis_server.srem('online_users', msg.nick)
doKick = doQuit
doPart = doQuit
def doPrivmsg(self, irc, msg):
self.redis_server.set('last_message', int(time.time()))
def Create_user(self, nick):
return self.redis_server.sadd('users', nick.lower())
def _get_data(self, nick, dtype):
if dtype == 'reddit':
return self.redis_server.hget('users:%s' % nick.lower(), dtype) or nick
return self.redis_server.hget('users:%s' % nick.lower(), dtype)
def _set_data(self, nick, dtype, host, data):
self.redis_server.hset('users:%s' % nick.lower(), dtype, data)
self.redis_server.hset('users:%s' % nick.lower(), 'host', host)
def _do_others(self, nick, cmd):
return self.replies[cmd] % (nick, self._get_data(nick, cmd))
def _do_reddit(self, account, cmd):
reddit_data = urllib2.urlopen('' % account).read()
except urllib2.HTTPError:
return 'No reddit account for %s. You can set your reddit account with !reddit set <username>' % account
js = json.loads(reddit_data)
made_utc = js['data']['created_utc']
link_karma = js['data']['link_karma']
comment_karma = js['data']['comment_karma']
now =
then =
age = now - then
return self.replies['reddit'] % (account, age.days, link_karma, comment_karma)
def _check_host(self, msg):
host = self.redis_server.hget('users:%s' % msg.nick.lower(), 'host')
if not host or host ==
return True
return False
Class = Reddit
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