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Created June 17, 2012 05:44
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apache advise
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<tyrel86> Hello any one feel like filling me on some questions regarding launching a production rails app
<tyrel86> I am using apache with mod rails I was wondering what good settings are for a 256mb linode as far as server instances and rails instances or better yet if there is any articles any one would recomend to get the most out of my server
<tyrel86> without over working it
<heckman> You mean 512mb Linode?
<rnowak> 256mb linode? 256 millibit?
<tyrel86> yes sorry
<tyrel86> 512
<Kyhwana> mostly disabling keep alives and setting your maxclients to ~10-20 or so, Ithink
<heckman> Two big things you can do is turn off KeepAlives in Apache2, as well as drop the number of threads/workers and MaxClients
<rnowak> heckman: where do I sign up for one of these 512 millibit linodes?
<heckman> ninja'd by less than a second. :(
<heckman> mB
<rnowak> ok, where do I sign up for one of these 512 millibyte linodes?
<tyrel86> did linode switch 256 to 512 for the min recently it feels like I signed up for 256
<Kyhwana> 256 was ages ago wasnt it?
<tyrel86> Honestly I have no idea but I looked at my dashboard and mine is 512 I just remember siging up for 256 maybe that was slice host
<tyrel86> so disable keeps alive does that mean apache has to reboot rails every time a new request comes in?
<bdube> it does not mean that
<SleePy> I've had my node for 2 years, and its been 512 the whole time.
<heckman> No. A KeepAlive means Apache2 sits waiting for that client to make another request.
<SleePy> So not recently :)
<heckman> Apache2 cannot handle a new connection until that other one closes. If you disable KeepAlives, Apache2 can just move on to the next request.
<rnowak> tyrel86: are you sure you're ready for production? (:
<tyrel86> no I am preparing myself for it ahead of time
<rnowak> that's good!
<XReaper> giveaway = yawn
<XReaper> :P
<XReaper> hell, it's something
<XReaper> but: may have to script hide that timer banner
<XReaper> :D
<EugeneKay> Just use a style
*** cnasal [] has quit [Quit: cnasal]
<XReaper> mmm
<tyrel86> So rnowak do you have any recontaminations for a competent ruby and rails programmer and database expert who is almost completely ignorant in server configuration before going production?
<rnowak> tyrel86: sorry, couldn't finish reading that when I got to "database expert who is almost completely ignorant in server configuration"
<tyrel86> lol I mean like Apache I am ignorent in Apache
<mikegrb> lulz
<rnowak> good luck? yeah, that. Good luck.
<tyrel86> you too hugh?
<SleePy> ignorent in ignorance?
<rnowak> SleePy: don't be so ignorent man
<tyrel86> wow technical to philosophic in no time I like you guys :) so thanks for the reconsiderations everyone.
<SleePy> tyrel86: Unless I read it wrong though, I see it as your asking for an Apache expert to be ignorant in setting up Apache.
<tyrel86> Looking back on it now I think you might be right SleePy
<rnowak> tyrel86: it is not you specifically, I just laugh at all "database experts" (which can be seen from a mile away that they really aren't)
<rnowak> but, have a cookie for trying to fix your issues before going production!
<tyrel86> well thanks for the cookie. And by expert I mean that I draw up and put alot of thought into it before I code. Granted I am probably conversing with people well beyond my skill level but I aspire to reach your ranks
<rnowak> knowing how to throw up a schema with some thought process rather than vomiting it out like most do, does not an expert make -- but it does make one better than most horrible "experts" out there
* SleePy is better than most horrible "experts"
<tyrel86> certainly better than word presses lets put everything into a post table and have a column called post type
<tyrel86> *wordpress
<XReaper> lol
<mikegrb> lulz
<SleePy> Drupal also does that
<XReaper> mediawiki puts everything in a 'text' table
<XReaper> i have a 6GB text table
<XReaper> :D
<XReaper> full of spam
<rnowak> XReaper: could you design something better?
<EugeneKay> Sounds very web scale
<rnowak> no? shut up.
<XReaper> It makes sense to put posts in a post table :/
<SleePy> Well for MW, its designed everything to be a wiki page, so its understandable somewhat
<rnowak> they've got a lot of problems, the design choice for everything to be a wiki page is the least of them
<SleePy> But some things such as a CMS that has a message board/forum extension uses the same tables as the CMS instead of designing their own is what gets me
<rnowak> SleePy: "let's keep it simple" *cue horror music*
<XReaper> Hopefully there is an easy way to drop all user pages...but tbqh i'd rather just have it set up flat
<SleePy> And then putting all categories/tags/etc into the same table.. UGH!
<XReaper> that could get messy
<tyrel86> sleepy thats what got me too. all of the plugins I installed that should have had a new table just put their objects in the post table with a different post type
<rnowak> please stop, I've not had enough coffee this morning to be reading this
<tyrel86> lol so any way before I through out the phrase database expert when I should have non database moron. What I am really asking is I am getting to a point of finishing my first releasable rails app and wanted to make sure I had apache configured corectly so I don't end up upping my
<mikegrb> lulz
<SleePy> Some people have a bright idea of using text or varchar for everything. Rather than storing them as ints, which are much faster for comparisons
<rnowak> this is on the scale of requring at least 6 espressos before being bearable
<SleePy> rnowak: its only 1 hour and 15 minutes until midnight for me :P So a long way from coffee
<tyrel86> same here bed time before coffee
<rnowak> tyrel86: it is a bit difficult to make that open suggestions -- if you had more specific questions, I am sure there's a number of us here that could throw you some information
<tyrel86> al-right I will come back with better questions later. Thank you for humouring me and nice meeting you all.
<heckman> Catch you around!
<rnowak> (I for one would not host it in apache, but... (: )
<SleePy> I didn't think I was funny
<rnowak> SleePy: you're always hilarious
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