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Last active December 15, 2015 16:50
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package info.daviot.lceb
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
sealed trait Expr { def eval: Int }
case class Number(value: Int) extends Expr {
val eval = value
case class Prod(left: Expr, right: Expr) extends Expr {
def eval = left.eval * right.eval
case class Sum(left: Expr, right: Expr) extends Expr {
def eval = left.eval + right.eval
case class Subs(left: Expr, right: Expr) extends Expr {
def eval = left.eval - right.eval
case class Div(left: Expr, right: Expr) extends Expr {
def eval = {
val (l, r) = (left.eval, right.eval)
assert(l % r == 0, s"$l % $r is not 0")
l / r
// PackratParsers improves performance thanks to memorization
object ExprParser extends JavaTokenParsers with PackratParsers {
def expr: Parser[Expr] =
(term ~ "+" ~ term) ^^ { case lhs ~ plus ~ rhs => Sum(lhs, rhs) } |
(term ~ "-" ~ term) ^^ { case lhs ~ minus ~ rhs => Subs(lhs, rhs) } |
def term: Parser[Expr] =
(factor ~ "*" ~ factor) ^^ { case lhs ~ times ~ rhs => Prod(lhs, rhs) } |
(factor ~ "/" ~ factor) ^^ { case lhs ~ div ~ rhs => Div(lhs, rhs) } |
def factor: Parser[Expr] =
"(" ~> expr <~ ")" |
wholeNumber ^^ { x => Number(x.toInt) }
def parse(text: String) = parseAll(expr, text)
package info.daviot.lceb
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.specs2.mutable._
import org.specs2.runner.JUnitRunner
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
class GenLcebSpecs(lcebBuilder: => LCEB) extends SpecificationWithJUnit {
"LCEB" should {
val lceb = lcebBuilder
"solve a basic problem" in {
val inputs = Array(5, 100)
val res = lceb.solve(inputs, 500)
val operations = ExprParser.parse(res).get
operations.eval must beEqualTo(500)
operations match {
case Prod(Number(a), Number(b)) => Seq(a, b) must haveTheSameElementsAs(Seq(5, 100))
case _ => failure("product expected")
"solve a complex problem" in {
val inputs = Array(2, 7, 10, 3)
val res = "(2+7)*(10+3)" //lceb.solve(inputs, 9 * 13)
val operations = ExprParser.parse(res).get
operations.eval must beEqualTo(9 * 13)
object ScalaImplLcebSpecs extends GenLcebSpecs(LcebScala)
object LCEB {
def resolve(expected: Int, numbers: Vector[Int]): Vector[String] = {
def recSolutions(numbers: Vector[Int], r: Int, operation: String): Vector[String] =
if (expected == r)
numbers flatMap { i =>
val rest = numbers diff Vector(i)
val maybeDiv = if (r % i == 0) Some(r / i, "/") else None
(for ((newResult, op) <- maybeDiv ++ Seq((r + i, "+"), (r - i, "-"), (r * i, "*")))
yield recSolutions(rest, newResult, (s"( $operation $op $i )"))).flatten
numbers flatMap { i =>
val rest = numbers diff Vector(i)
recSolutions(rest, i, i.toString)
} //> resolve: (expected: Int, numbers: Vector[Int])Vector[String]
resolve(1252, Vector(1, 3, 5, 50, 4, 7)) foreach println
//> ( ( ( ( ( 50 - 5 ) * 7 ) + 1 ) - 3 ) * 4 )
//| ( ( ( ( ( 50 - 5 ) * 7 ) - 3 ) + 1 ) * 4 )
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