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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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Breadth first graph (A*)
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object GraphDemo extends App {
val graph = SimpleGraph(Nil)
val from = SimpleNode(0, 0)
val to = SimpleNode(15, 8)
val moves = graph.shortestPath(from, to).getOrElse(Nil)
object Player extends App {
val Array(startx, starty, exitx, exity) = for (i <- readLine split " ") yield i.trim.toInt
val nbobstacles = readLine.trim.toInt // number of walls
val obs = for (i <- 0 until nbobstacles) yield {
val Array(posx, posy) = for (i <- readLine split " ") yield i.trim.toInt
SimpleNode(posx, posy)
val graph = SimpleGraph(obs.toList)
val from = SimpleNode(startx, starty)
val to = SimpleNode(exitx, exity)
val moves = graph.shortestPath(from, to).getOrElse(Nil)
println(" "))
trait Graph {
type Node
case class Move(from: Node, to: Node, name: String, cost: Double = 1)
type Path = List[Move]
def shortestPath(from: Node, to: Node): Option[Path] =
pathImpl(to, List((from, Nil)), Nil)
def validMoves(from: Node): List[Move]
private def pathImpl(
to: Node,
toExplore: List[(Node, Path)],
explored: List[Node]): Option[Path] = toExplore match {
case Nil => None
case (`to`, path) :: _ => Some(path)
case (node, path) :: t =>
def alreadyQueued(n: Node) = toExplore.exists {
case (`n`, _) => true
case _ => false
val newNodes = for {
m <- validMoves(node)
if !alreadyQueued(
if !explored.contains(
} yield (, m :: path)
pathImpl(to, t ::: newNodes, node :: explored)
case class SimpleNode(x: Int, y: Int) {
override def toString = s"($x, $y)"
case class SimpleGraph(impediments: List[SimpleNode], maxX: Int = 15, maxY: Int = 8, minX: Int = 0, minY: Int = 0) extends Graph {
type Node = SimpleNode
def validMoves(n: SimpleNode): List[Move] = for {
(dx, dy, name) <- List((0, 1, "DOWN"), (-1, 0, "LEFT"), (1, 0, "RIGHT"), (0, -1, "UP"))
x = n.x + dx
y = n.y + dy
if (x >= minX && y >= minY && x <= maxX && y <= maxY)
if (!impediments.contains(SimpleNode(x, y)))
} yield Move(n, SimpleNode(x, y), name)
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