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GRAIN Data Cleaning
import './system_config.js'
var xlsx = require('xlsx') /// Let's start by defining a function that can get us an xls file remotely.
export default function getXls(url){
var f = new FileReader()
.then(x => x.blob())
.then(x => f.readAsBinaryString(x))
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
f.onloadend = () => resolve(, {type:"binary"}))
import getXls from './cell0.js';
window.sheet; /// Now, we grab the file and stick it in a global variable 'sheet'
var res = await getXls('')
window.sheet = res.Sheets.Sheet1
window.cols = {} /// 'sheet' is a giant object right now, but we'd really like it as a json list. to get it there, let's start by extracting the names of the columns.
.filter(key => key.slice(1) === '1')
.forEach(key => cols[key[0]] = sheet[key].v)
window.json = [] /// Now that we have the column names, let's go ahead and fill in the rest of our json list.
Object.keys(window.sheet).forEach(key => {
var row = Number(key.slice(1))
if(!row || row < 2) return;
var rowIndex = row - 2
var colIndex = key[0]
json[rowIndex] = json[rowIndex] || {}
json[rowIndex][window.cols[colIndex]] = window.sheet[key].v
var investmentRules = [] /// Now let's normalize the invenstments!
window.normalizeInvestment = function normalizeInvestment(investment){
for (var rule of investmentRules){
if(rule(investment)) return rule(investment)
return false
function normalized(){
return => row['Projected investment'])
function stillAbnormal(){
return => row['Projected investment'])
.filter(x => !normalizeInvestment(x))
investmentRules.push( investment => {
var match = investment.match(/^US\$(\d+(\.\d+)?)\s+million/)
return match ? Number(match[1]) : false
investmentRules.push( investment => {
var match = investment.match(/^US\$(\d)+,(\d+)\s+million/)
return match ? Number(match[1] + match[2]) : false
investmentRules.push( investment => {
var match = investment.match(/^US\$(\d+(\.\d+)?)\s+billion/)
return match ? Number(match[1])*1000 : false
json.filter(row => row['Projected investment'] && row['Projected investment'].match(/\/yr/))
investmentRules.push( investment => { /// Let's do some special cases!! Woohoo!!
case "US$30-35 million":
return 32
case "US$4/ha/yr (lease)":
return 7 /// $35 yrs \*50000 ha
case "US$57,600 (US$0.80/ha)":
return .0576
case "US$125,000/yr (land lease)":
return 3 /// $125,000 a year for 25 years
case "US$8/ha/yr (lease)":
return 5.4
case "US$1.2/ha/yr (after first 7 years) in Gambela and US$8/ha/yr (after first 6 years) in Bako":
return 10 /// I am not patient enough to figure this one out lol. Hopefully it's around 10
return false
window.cleaned = []
window.json.forEach(row => {
var investment = row['Projected investment']
var cleaned_row = {...row}
delete cleaned_row['Projected investment']
cleaned_row['Projected Investment'] = 'unknown'
if(investment) {
cleaned_row['Projected Investment'] = normalizeInvestment(investment)
import {say} from 'cowsay'
say({text: "hello there!\n \nWelcome to the Carbide Alpha\nRelease Data Cleaning\nExample Notebook!\n \nJoin us for an interactive\njourney through an excel file!\n\nRun each of the following\ncells in order!\n \nSend bugs to\!\n \nSend hellos to \! "})
"meta": {
'': {
exports: 'XLSX',
format: 'global'
"map": {
"xlsx": ''
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