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Created March 13, 2022 15:48
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Shows DES complementation property
-export([test/0, complement/1]).
complement(<<>>) ->
complement(<<1:1, Rest/bitstring>>) ->
Complement = complement(Rest),
<<0:1, Complement/bitstring>>;
complement(<<0:1, Rest/bitstring>>) ->
Complement = complement(Rest),
<<1:1, Complement/bitstring>>.
encrypt(Msg, Key) ->
crypto:crypto_one_time(des_ecb, Key, Msg, true).
test() ->
Message = <<"Some Message">>,
Key = crypto:strong_rand_bytes(8),
io:format("Cipher: ~p.~n", [complement(encrypt(Message, Key))]),
io:format("Complement: ~p.~n", [encrypt(complement(Message), complement(Key))]).
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