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Last active November 5, 2020 19:20
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Python Keyword count
import keyword
def kw_count():
a = 0
for kw in keyword.kwlist:
print(f"{a} ", kw)
1 False
2 None
3 True
4 and
5 as
6 assert
7 async
8 await
9 break
10 class
11 continue
12 def
13 del
14 elif
15 else
16 except
17 finally
18 for
19 from
20 global
21 if
22 import
23 in
24 is
25 lambda
26 nonlocal
27 not
28 or
29 pass
30 raise
31 return
32 try
33 while
34 with
35 yield
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