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Created August 17, 2021 03:21
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Simple python example to send telegram message
import cx_Oracle
from telethon import TelegramClient
db_server = ''
db_service = 'DBSID1'
db_id = 'dbuserid'
db_pw = 'dbpassword'
db_sql = """
select to_char(sysdate 'YYYYMMDD') from dual
# using @BotFather
bot_token = '_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN_'
api_id = '_TELEGRAM_API_ID_'
api_hash = '_TELEGRAM_API_HASH_'
# to get the group ID, using @getidsbot
# or<bot_token>/getUpdates
# be careful - group id changes when it's upgraded to supergroup
recv_ids = [-10000000, -10000001]
def read_data():
dsn = cx_Oracle.makedsn(db_server, 1521, service_name=db_service)
conn = cx_Oracle.connect(db_id, db_pw, dsn, encoding="UTF-8")
csr = conn.cursor()
rset = csr.fetchall()
msg = rset[0][0]
return msg
msg = read_data()
# The first parameter is the .session file name (absolute paths allowed)
bot = TelegramClient('bot', api_id, api_hash).start(bot_token=bot_token)
async def send_message():
for rid in recv_ids:
await bot.send_message(rid, msg)
with bot:
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