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Created October 22, 2021 14:35
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Site Updates:
- [General] Minor styling improvements.
- [General] Disabled automatic 30 day log out.
- [Admin] Fixed bug whereby scheduled posts were not sending subscribers notifications.
- [Live] Popout menu with options for each comment:
Information: Display detailed metadata about the comment and the author, including IP-based geo-location (accurate).
Report: Flag an inappropriate comment for moderation.
- [Live] Improved comment moderation system.
- [Live] Restored toggle button cycle for aspect ratio 4:3 (Cropped).
- [Live] New option 'Comment Limit'. Default (256), Max (512)
- [Live] Updated Restreams:
Removed (we were banned)
- [Live] Various layout improvements for mobile.
- [Live] Fixed Chat Popout window scaling for Mobile
- [Live] Smoother and more accurate video player scaling on resizing the window or toggling full-screen.
LiveStreamer Updates:
- New improved layout with collapsible panels.
- New User Configuration options (User icon button, top right) and toggle buttons:
[Playlist] Line Wrap
[Playlist] Show Codecs
[Playlist] Sticky Mode
[Media Player] Show Milliseconds
[Media Player] Show Chapters
[Sessions] Display Mode
[File Manager] Open in New Window
[Encoder] Data Limit
[Encoder] Show Stats
- New feature: Session Configuration (Cog wheel button, top left when inside a session).
Relocated various settings like 'Session Name', 'Default Background Image/Video' & 'Default Background Image/Video File'
- New Session Configuration setting: 'Preferred youtube-dl Download Directory'
Choose a special directory to save your youtube-dl downloads.
- New Session Configuration setting: 'Access Control'
This replaces the old 'User Lock' feature with something more sophisticated.
Now you can claim ownership of a session and choose who is allowed or denied access.
Owners can set all users to be denied or allowed access with the * user.
You may also set a password for access.
Users with access but without ownership are denied the ability to load, save, rename, delete or change any options in the Session Configuration interface.
(Note to regular streamers - you have been assigned ownership to your pre-existing sessions, but by default all users have access to it, you may change this if you wish.)
- New feature: History (button next to Save):
Internally the session is autosaved every minute and a history of upto 256 saves are preserved.
Need to revert changes back to an earlier date? Open the History interface and choose a previous save to load.
Changes between the current session and the previous save are displayed as a list, to hopefully help you identify which changes you want to revert.
- New playlist button '...' popout menu, includes some right click menu buttons and some new ones.
- New Feature: Add RTMP Stream.
Inserts an rtmp stream as a playlist item, named 'cabtv://rtmp'
Connect and stream to the server (in OBS or other streaming software) and it will broadcast when this item is played.
Open Session Configuration and you'll see 2 properties: Stream Host (rtmp:// and Stream Key. Use these to configure your streaming software. The Stream Key can be regenerated by clicking the button with the reload icon.
When you are streaming to your session, you should notice the connection icon next to 'cabtv://rtmp' go green. When disconnected it turns orange.
Currently there is a delay of about 4 seconds between starting the item and it playing, which I'll try to improve.
- New feature: Add Intertitle.
Add short title cards to introduce a media item that might benefit some basic description.
Options: 'Font size', 'Duration', 'Fade in/out'
- New Stream Method: 'Test Stream'
Starting a stream with this method will not show up on the site's Live page, but will play in a small box in the streamer interface. Useful for testing things out.
- Improved Seek bar
Hovering over any position in the seek bar displays the time code and chapter name at that specific point.
Also added small vertical lines to indicate units of time.
- New Panels: 'Current File Settings' & 'Default File Settings'
Just as before, media player settings revert to their defaults on loading the next playlist item.
'Current File Settings' retains exactly this behaviour.
'Default File Settings' now allows you to choose what default settings to revert on loading each item.
For instance: Volume Normalization set to 'Off' in 'Current File Settings' will now revert to 'dynaudnorm1', unless it is also set to 'Off' in 'Default File Settings'
- New file setting: 'Audio Channels' with options 'Stereo' and 'Mono'
By selecting 'Mono', the streamer will downmix any stereo audio (which might have one channel much quieter than the other) to mono, fixing any 'bad' stereo issues.
- New improved playlist item 'Modify' interface:
Includes all the 'File Settings' and some new extras:
Volume Multiplier:
Setting this will not affect the Media Player's 'Volume' slider, but will still apply. Useful if you need to turn off 'Volume Normalization' for a particular file and pre-apply a volume when the file is loaded.
Fade In/Out Duration:
Applies a black fade to the beginning/end of the file. Also fades the audio.
Video Loop Start/End Time:
(Applies for attached Video Loop File) Set the start and end time of the video loop, set a segment to loop instead of the entire file.
Improved Crop Detect:
On running crop detect you will be returned a series of frames from the video, each with their own detected crop region. By clicking on the image you can then adjust the crop rect precisely in a new GUI.
Item Color:
Simply changes the color appearance of the item in the playlist. A handy visual aid for categorising.
- New Streaming control button 'Handover':
After starting a stream, next to the 'STOP' button, you'll see 'Handover'
Then select another session from the dropdown and click OK to seamlessly handover the stream to another session.
No more crashing halt & confusion when another streamer wants to take over.
- Reload Button in Media Player panel now indicates pending changes to current file.
When settings are changed in 'Default File Settings' or 'Modify' interfaces, the item needs to be reloaded for these changes to take effect.
If any changes are detected it will show a red exclamation mark ontop of the Reload button.
- New Media Player button: Precision Seek (the clock icon in the 'Media Player' panel)
Allows precise seeking to a timecode or chapter.
- Improved Encoder graph and interface:
Now displays individually the rate of the media encoder (MPV) and the network delivery (ffmpeg)
Also displays a min, max and average value for each.
- Added Keyboard controls & shortcuts
Ctrl+<1-9> opens a session corresponding to its order (Ctrl+1 opens the first session)
Ctrl+0 closes the session.
Ctrl+s saves the session to file.
Up/Down => to select individual items (hold Shift to expand selection or Ctrl to toggle)
Ctrl+a => selects all
Ctrl+d => deselects all
With one or more playlist items selected:
Delete => delete selected
Enter => play selected
Ctrl+c => Copy selected to clipboard
Ctrl+v => Paste
- New Feature: Clicking the current file name text in the Media Player UI highlights and scrolls to the corresponding item in the playlist.
- Improved Schedule Generator (now found in Playlist '...' popout menu)
- Help icons - little question marks next to labels with a description of the property.
- youtube-dl slow download issues should be resolved.
- Various media encoder improvements
You may notice the time display next to the seek bar is now a lot less jumpy as it now encodes at a rate much closer to realtime than before.
As a result, you will also notice the encoder graph plots a lot more peaks and troughs now, but don't be alarmed, it's just a more accurate estimation of the rate of encoding. As long as the averages around 1.000x speed then it's running smoothly.
Files with unexpected discontinuities, corrupted chunks or other faults, should now continue to play (with the decoder's best efforts) instead of failing and skipping to the next playlist item.
(Note - As much as it's been tested, please be on the look out for any weird quirks, audio sync problems, files that refuse to play, etc.)
- At the end of a playlist, it will no longer add an item named 'cabtv://empty', but in effect it will still do exactly the same thing, i.e. play an infinite loop of the logo until you stop the stream.
Note to Del - with the new setup you can now prepare those troublesome Shooting Stars episodes, in 'Modify' settings you can now set the item's Volume Normalization to 'Off' and increase the volume with Volume Multiplier.
As long as you have volume normalization set to dynaudnorm1 in the Default File Settings, then it will revert on playing the next file.
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