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Created July 18, 2022 09:52
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A solidity contract for refunding to employer
pragma solidity >=0.4.25 <0.6.0;
contract GeoConferenceRefund
//Set of States
enum StateType { Created, InTransit, Completed, OutOfCompliance}
enum SensorType { None, latitude, longitude }
//List of properties
StateType public State;
address public Owner;
address public InitiatingCounterparty;
address public Counterparty;
address public PreviousCounterparty;
address public Device;
address public Employee;
address public Employer;
int public MinLatitude;
int public MaxLatitude;
int public MinLongitude;
int public MaxLongitude;
SensorType public ComplianceSensorType;
int public ComplianceSensorReading;
bool public ComplianceStatus;
string public ComplianceDetail;
int public LastSensorUpdateTimestamp;
constructor(address device, address Employee, address Employer, int MinLatitude, int MaxLatitude, int MinLongitude, int MaxLongitude) public
ComplianceStatus = true;
ComplianceSensorReading = -1;
InitiatingCounterparty = msg.sender;
Owner = InitiatingCounterparty;
Counterparty = InitiatingCounterparty;
Device = device;
Employee = Employee;
Employer = Employer;
MinLatitude = MinLatitude;
MaxLatitude = MaxLatitude;
MinLongitude = MinLongitude;
MaxLongitude = MaxLongitude;
State = StateType.Created;
ComplianceDetail = "N/A";
function IngestTelemetry(int latitude, int longitude, int timestamp) public
// Separately check for states and sender
// to avoid not checking for state when the sender is the device
// because of the logical OR
if ( State == StateType.Completed )
if ( State == StateType.OutOfCompliance )
if (Device != msg.sender)
LastSensorUpdateTimestamp = timestamp;
if (latitude > MaxLatitude || latitude < MinLatitude)
ComplianceSensorType = SensorType.latitude;
ComplianceSensorReading = latitude;
ComplianceDetail = "latitude value out of range.";
ComplianceStatus = false;
else if (longitude > MaxLongitude || longitude < MinLongitude)
ComplianceSensorType = SensorType.longitude;
ComplianceSensorReading = longitude;
ComplianceDetail = "longitude value out of range.";
ComplianceStatus = false;
if (ComplianceStatus == false)
State = StateType.OutOfCompliance;
function TransferResponsibility(address newCounterparty) public
// keep the state checking, message sender, and device checks separate
// to not get cloberred by the order of evaluation for logical OR
if ( State == StateType.Completed )
if ( State == StateType.OutOfCompliance )
if ( InitiatingCounterparty != msg.sender && Counterparty != msg.sender )
if ( newCounterparty == Device )
if (State == StateType.Created)
State = StateType.InTransit;
PreviousCounterparty = Counterparty;
Counterparty = newCounterparty;
function Complete() public
// keep the state checking, message sender, and device checks separate
// to not get cloberred by the order of evaluation for logical OR
if ( State == StateType.Completed )
if ( State == StateType.OutOfCompliance )
if (Owner != msg.sender && Employee != msg.sender)
State = StateType.Completed;
PreviousCounterparty = Counterparty;
Counterparty = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
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