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Last active March 16, 2017 08:29
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checking for lottery tickets using the specified constraints
def find_lottery_suggestions_from_numbers(numbers, combinations_to_find):
#iterate over the numbers list
#find the eligible combinations
#print out the answer
print "Checking in input set :", numbers
for number in numbers:
#print "checking for ", number
combos = check_for_unique_combinations(int(number), combinations_to_find)
if combos:
print "FOUND Eligible Lottery Candidate >>>>>>>>>>", number, combos
def check_for_unique_combinations(input_number,combinations_to_find):
start_range = 1
end_range = 59
valid_combinations = []
if combinations_to_find == 1: #break condition
if input_number >= start_range and input_number <=end_range:#imposing constraint
return [[input_number]]
return [] #unique combinations don't exist..
#empty array is indication that unique combinations not found that satisfy the constraint
#break the digits one at a time OR two at a time and check in the reduced set recursively to find out the combinations
#try selecting the single digit first and breaking the remaining digits to check remaining combos
first_num = int(str(input_number)[0:1])
if first_num >= start_range and first_num <=end_range and len(str(input_number)) > 1:##check for constraint and splittability
remaining_num = int(str(input_number)[1:])
remaining_combinations = check_for_unique_combinations( remaining_num, combinations_to_find - 1)
for combination in remaining_combinations:
if combination and first_num not in combination:
#try now by selecting the first two digits as first combination
if len(str(input_number)) > 2:
first_num = int(str(input_number)[0:2])
if first_num >= start_range and first_num <=end_range:#check for constraint and splittability
remaining_num = int(str(input_number)[2:])
remaining_combinations_2 = check_for_unique_combinations( remaining_num, combinations_to_find - 1)
for combination in remaining_combinations_2:
if combination and first_num not in combination:
return valid_combinations
numbers = [ '5698157156','1', '42', '4938532894754', '1234567', '472844278465445', '76543212345']
combinations_to_find = 7
find_lottery_suggestions_from_numbers(numbers, combinations_to_find)
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change input at line 44 to play with a new input set

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