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Forked from leon/TruncateHtmlExtension.php
Last active June 29, 2016 14:52
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Symfony 2 Twig Extension that truncates html and preserves tags stop at the end of the word
* Truncate Html string without stripping tags
* register in Resources/config/services.yml with:
* services:
* truncatehtml.twig.extension:
* class: Radley\TwigExtensionBundle\Extension\TruncateHtmlExtension
* tags:
* - { name: twig.extension }
* Usage:
* {{ htmlstring|truncatehtml(500)|raw }}
namespace Radley\TwigExtensionBundle\Extension;
class TruncateHtmlString {
function __construct($string, $limit) {
// create dom element using the html string
$this->tempDiv = new \DomDocument();
// keep the characters count till now
$this->charCount = 0;
$this->encoding = 'UTF-8';
// character limit need to check
$this->limit = $limit;
function cut() {
// create empty document to store new html
$this->newDiv = new \DomDocument();
// cut the string by parsing through each element
$this->searchEnd($this->tempDiv->documentElement, $this->newDiv);
$newhtml = $this->newDiv->saveHTML();
return $newhtml;
function deleteChildren($node) {
while (isset($node->firstChild)) {
function searchEnd($parseDiv, $newParent) {
foreach($parseDiv->childNodes as $ele) {
// not text node
if($ele->nodeType != 3) {
$newEle = $this->newDiv->importNode($ele, true);
if(count($ele->childNodes) === 0) {
$res = $this->searchEnd($ele, $newEle);
return $res;
// the limit of the char count reached
if(mb_strlen($ele->nodeValue, $this->encoding) + $this->charCount >= $this->limit) {
$newEle = $this->newDiv->importNode($ele);
$cutted = $this->findWordLastCharacters($newEle, $this->charCount, $this->limit);
$newEle->nodeValue = substr($newEle->nodeValue, 0, $this->limit - $this->charCount + cutted);
return true;
$newEle = $this->newDiv->importNode($ele);
$this->charCount += mb_strlen($newEle->nodeValue, $this->encoding);
return false;
function findWordLastCharacters($element, $currentCount, $limit) {
$splitted = str_split($element->nodeValue);
$cutted = 0;
for ($i = $limit - $currentCount; $i < count($splitted); $i++) {
if($splitted[$i] == " ") break;
return $cutted;
class TruncateHtmlExtension extends \Twig_Extension {
public function getName() {
return 'truncatehtml';
public function getFilters() {
return array('truncatehtml' => new \Twig_Filter_Method($this, 'truncatehtml'));
public function truncatehtml($html, $limit, $endchar = '&hellip;') {
$output = new TruncateHtmlString($html, $limit);
return $output->cut() . $endchar;
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