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Created May 15, 2009 12:21
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HMAC-SHA256 written in C with OpenSSL 0.9.8k
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <openssl/x509.h>
#include <openssl/hmac.h>
const unsigned char *text, /* pointer to data stream */
int text_len, /* length of data stream */
const unsigned char *key, /* pointer to authentication key */
int key_len, /* length of authentication key */
void *digest) /* caller digest to be filled in */
unsigned int result_len;
unsigned char result[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
key, strlen(key),
text, strlen(text),
result, &result_len);
memcpy(digest, result, result_len);
unsigned char k_ipad[65]; /* inner padding -
* key XORd with ipad
unsigned char k_opad[65]; /* outer padding -
* key XORd with opad
unsigned char tk[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
unsigned char tk2[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
unsigned char bufferIn[1024];
unsigned char bufferOut[1024];
int i;
/* if key is longer than 64 bytes reset it to key=sha256(key) */
if ( key_len > 64 ) {
SHA256( key, key_len, tk );
key = tk;
key_len = SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH;
* the HMAC_SHA256 transform looks like:
* SHA256(K XOR opad, SHA256(K XOR ipad, text))
* where K is an n byte key
* ipad is the byte 0x36 repeated 64 times
* opad is the byte 0x5c repeated 64 times
* and text is the data being protected
/* start out by storing key in pads */
memset( k_ipad, 0, sizeof k_ipad );
memset( k_opad, 0, sizeof k_opad );
memcpy( k_ipad, key, key_len );
memcpy( k_opad, key, key_len );
/* XOR key with ipad and opad values */
for ( i = 0; i < 64; i++ ) {
k_ipad[i] ^= 0x36;
k_opad[i] ^= 0x5c;
* perform inner SHA256
memset( bufferIn, 0x00, 1024 );
memcpy( bufferIn, k_ipad, 64 );
memcpy( bufferIn + 64, text, text_len );
SHA256( bufferIn, 64 + text_len, tk2 );
* perform outer SHA256
memset( bufferOut, 0x00, 1024 );
memcpy( bufferOut, k_opad, 64 );
memcpy( bufferOut + 64, tk2, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH );
SHA256( bufferOut, 64 + SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH, digest );
#ifdef TEST
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define Thread __declspec( thread )
#define Thread
printdump( const char *buffer, size_t sz )
int i, c;
unsigned char buf[80];
for ( i = 0; (unsigned)i < sz; i++ ) {
if ( (i != 0) && (i % 16 == 0) ) {
buf[16] = NUL;
fprintf( stderr, " %s\n", buf );
if ( i % 16 == 0 )
fprintf( stderr, "%08x:", &buffer[i] );
c = buffer[i] & 0xFF;
if ( (c >= ' ') && (c <= 0x7E) )
buf[i % 16] = (unsigned char)c;
buf[i % 16] = '.';
fprintf( stderr, " %02x", c & 0xFF );
if ( i % 16 == 0 )
buf[16] = NUL;
else {
buf[i % 16] = NUL;
for ( i = i % 16; i < 16; i++ )
fputs( " ", stderr );
fprintf( stderr, " %s\n", buf );
static char b[] =
/* 0000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666 */
/* 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 */
char *
base64( const unsigned char *src, size_t sz )
unsigned char *pp, *p, *q;
Thread static unsigned char *qq = NULL;
size_t i, safe = sz;
if ( qq ) {
free( qq );
qq = NULL;
if ( !src || (sz == 0) )
return ( NULL );
if ( (sz % 3) == 1 ) {
p = (unsigned char *)malloc( sz + 2 );
if ( !p )
return ( NULL );
memcpy( p, src, sz );
p[sz] = p[sz + 1] = '=';
sz += 2;
else if ( (sz % 3) == 2 ) {
p = (unsigned char *)malloc( sz + 1 );
if ( !p )
return ( NULL );
memcpy( p, src, sz );
p[sz] = '=';
p = (unsigned char *)src;
q = (unsigned char *)malloc( (sz / 3) * 4 + 2 );
if ( !q ) {
if ( p != src )
free( p );
return ( NULL );
pp = p;
qq = q;
for ( i = 0; i < sz; i += 3 ) {
q[0] = b[(p[0] & 0xFC) >> 2];
q[1] = b[((p[0] & 0x03) << 4) | ((p[1] & 0xF0) >> 4)];
q[2] = b[((p[1] & 0x0F) << 2) | ((p[2] & 0xC0) >> 6)];
q[3] = b[p[2] & 0x3F];
p += 3;
q += 4;
*q = NUL;
if ( (safe % 3) == 1 ) {
*(q - 1) = '=';
*(q - 2) = '=';
if ( (safe % 3) == 2 )
*(q - 1) = '=';
if ( pp != src )
free( pp );
return ( (char *)qq );
main( int argc, char *argv[] )
// via
// see also:
char *p;
const char *key = "1234567890";
char req[2048];
char message[10240];
char digest[BUFSIZ];
sprintf( req,
"2009-01-06" );
sprintf( message,
req );
memset( digest, 0x00, BUFSIZ );
hmac_sha256( message, strlen(message), key, strlen(key), digest );
printdump( digest, BUFSIZ );
{ int c; fputs( ": ", stderr ); c = getchar(); }
// 35 a7 1e f9 4d c0 cf 83 a1 37 bb 48 4a a8 2c d6
// f7 4b 04 70 44 8a 35 9c 05 e0 aa 2f 9c 4d f7 18
p = base64( digest, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH );
if ( p )
printf( "RESULT: %s\n", p );
{ int c; fputs( ": ", stderr ); c = getchar(); }
// RESULT: Nace+U3Az4OhN7tISqgs1vdLBHBEijWcBeCqL5xN9xg=
// via
string password = "Password";
string filename = "Filename";
var hmacsha256 = new HMACSHA256(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password));
foreach(byte test in hmacsha256.Hash){
// 5FE2AE06FF9828B33FE304545289A3F590BFD948CA9AB731C980379992EF41F1
key = "Password";
sprintf( message, "Filename" );
memset( digest, 0x00, BUFSIZ );
hmac_sha256( message, strlen(message), key, strlen(key), digest );
printdump( digest, BUFSIZ );
{ int c; fputs( ": ", stderr ); c = getchar(); }
// 5f e2 ae 06 ff 98 28 b3 3f e3 04 54 52 89 a3 f5
// 90 bf d9 48 ca 9a b7 31 c9 80 37 99 92 ef 41 f1
p = base64( digest, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH );
if ( p )
printf( "RESULT: %s\n", p );
{ int c; fputs( ": ", stderr ); c = getchar(); }
// X+KuBv+YKLM/4wRUUomj9ZC/2UjKmrcxyYA3mZLvQfE=
return ( 0 );
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pke commented Aug 21, 2013

Somehow the OpenSSL HMAC(EVP_sha256(), does not produce the same hmac for Keys that are longer than SHA256 key len.
Your function creates a new SHA256 hash if the key is longer than 32 bytes. The hmac both functions then produce are different.

nevermind: I had the message and key args mixed up.

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comment afte test!

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comment afte test!

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What is the value of BUFSIZ?

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tstevelt commented May 5, 2021

awesome, just what i needed! thank you

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I think this is not safe!! There is a possibility of a buffer overflow if the diggest buffer is small.

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