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Last active July 13, 2024 14:00
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My First Stencil Web Component and integration with React JS

First experience with StencilJS

  • Setup the StencilJS development environment by cloning
  • The starter comes with a sample web component called my-component. I have used this as a sample and tried to see if I can integrate this with my existing ReactJS app .
  • The main goal was to see
    • Evaluate the requirements to integrate with an existing React JS app.
    • See if it works on all browsers after this integration
  • Step 1 - Build Web Component
  • Build the stencil component starter project (after the initial setup steps)
npm run build


  • This creates a dist folder with the component (in this case my-component)


  • Step 2 - Package Web Component
  • Since I am running it locally executed npm pack . to create a local npm tgz package
E:\workspace\my-component>npm pack .
  • Step 3 - Install the build Web Component in the target ReactJS App
  • In the react-snack-app project folder , installed the npm package
E:\workspace\react-burger-app>npm install ..\my-component\my-component-0.0.1.tgz --save
npm WARN ajv-keywords@3.1.0 requires a peer of ajv@^6.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.1.3 (node_modules\fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.1.3: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"win32","arch":"x64"})

+ my-component@0.0.1
added 1 package in 127.834s
  • Step 4 - Add web component invocation code
  • Added the web component html tag in the code . Added it to the BurgerBuilder.js container class (As this is rendered as part of the initial page load)
 <my-component first="Stencil" last="'Don't call me a framework' JS"></my-component>
  • Step 5 - Add the Web Component Library initialization and integration

  • I tried to follow the documentation provided here , but ran into issues related to the import instructions in index.js (somehow the structure mentioned in the docs and what is produced in the build seems to be different). I will probably relook at this again , but for now here is what worked.

  • Create a postinstall script in the package.json file which copies the stencil web component distribution from the node_modules and copies it to the public folder of the ReactJS App

"postinstall": "cp -R node_modules/my-component/dist/* public/assets/stencil"
  • Included the stencil webcomponent library in the index.html (as the last entry in the body tag)
 <script src="assets/stencil/mycomponent.js"></script>
  • Thats it and then on starting the app it worked on all the browsers IE,FireFox and Chrome as before !!


  • From the size and performance perspective , looks promising as well


Initial Impressions

  • A very promising solution in terms of size , development of components and automic handling of required polyfils. Also has all the goodness of JSX, Virtual DOM, Reactive data-binding etc.
  • Integration and packaging is not very straight forward and would be interesting to see a scenario when there are multiple web component libraries, different styling , extensive data binding etc. I will explore this further ..
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Nice review! I'm surprised by the network panel! I assumed it would be a lot larger to be honest.

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