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Last active August 22, 2024 15:48
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Froggit weather station custom server protocols - Ecowitt and Wunderground

Froggit weather station protocols for custom server

Example output and NodeJS server code snippet for a Froggit weather station when using an own custom server instead of predefined weather services.

My hardware:

  • WH3000SE sensor
  • DP1500 Dongle

Ecowitt protocol type

  • HTTP method: POST
  • Data: urlencoded body
  "PASSKEY": "6BB****************************",
  "stationtype": "GW1000A_V1.6.8",
  "dateutc": "2022-02-06 20:00:03",
  "tempinf": "64.6",
  "humidityin": "59",
  "baromrelin": "28.993",
  "baromabsin": "28.993",
  "tempf": "39.6",
  "humidity": "90",
  "winddir": "237",
  "windspeedmph": "1.12",
  "windgustmph": "2.24",
  "maxdailygust": "20.58",
  "solarradiation": "0.00",
  "uv": "0",
  "rainratein": "0.000",
  "eventrainin": "0.008",
  "hourlyrainin": "0.000",
  "dailyrainin": "0.039",
  "weeklyrainin": "0.039",
  "monthlyrainin": "0.319",
  "yearlyrainin": "0.618",
  "totalrainin": "0.618",
  "wh65batt": "0",
  "freq": "868M",
  "model": "GW1000_Pro"

Wunderground protocol type

  • HTTP method: GET
  • Data: query parameters
  "ID": "zzz",
  "PASSWORD": "zzz",
  "tempf": "39.6",
  "humidity": "90",
  "dewptf": "36.9",
  "windchillf": "39.6",
  "winddir": "248",
  "windspeedmph": "0.00",
  "windgustmph": "2.24",
  "rainin": "0.000",
  "dailyrainin": "0.039",
  "weeklyrainin": "0.039",
  "monthlyrainin": "0.319",
  "yearlyrainin": "0.618",
  "solarradiation": "0.00",
  "UV": "0",
  "indoortempf": "64.6",
  "indoorhumidity": "59",
  "baromin": "28.978",
  "lowbatt": "0",
  "dateutc": "now",
  "softwaretype": "GW1000A_V1.6.8",
  "action": "updateraw",
  "realtime": "1",
  "rtfreq": "5"

NodeJS code to try out

Here's a very basic server to retrieve the Froggit's data with.

Configure the following options in the weather station when trying it out:

  • For Ecowitt protocol type
    • Server IP: [your machine IP]
    • Path: /data
    • Port: 3000
  • For Wunderground protocol type
    • Server IP: [your machine IP]
    • Path: /data?
    • Port: 3000
var express = require('express');
var app = express();

app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }));

//  Wunderground requests
app.get('/data', (req, res) => {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(req.query, null, 2));

//  Ecowitt requests'/data', (req, res) => {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(req.body, null, 2));

app.listen(3000, () => {
    console.log('ws-server listening on port 3000...');
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