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Last active August 20, 2024 19:05
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Simple ufw script
# ufw script
ufw disable
ufw --force reset
for i in ${NET_PRIVATE_ADDR[@]}; do ufw allow from $i to any app 'SSH'; done
for i in ${NET_PRIVATE_ADDR[@]}; do ufw allow from $i to any app 'WWW Full'; done
for i in ${NET_PRIVATE_ADDR[@]}; do ufw allow from $i to any app 'IPP'; done
for i in ${NET_PRIVATE_ADDR[@]}; do ufw allow from $i to any app 'CIFS'; done
ufw limit ssh/tcp
# mpd
#ufw allow 6600/tcp
ufw allow in proto tcp from to any port 6600
# UPnP
ufw allow in proto udp from to any port 1900
# Rygel
# ~/.config/rygel.conf:
# port=65530
ufw allow in proto tcp from to any port 65530
ufw logging low
ufw enable
#ufw status
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