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Created September 19, 2024 21:07
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set -euo pipefail
app_db="${1:?usage: $(basename "$0") <app-name>[/<database-name>]}"
url="$(heroku redis:credentials -a "$app" "$db")"
pass="$(<<<"$url" grep -m1 -oP '[^:]+(?=@)')"
host="$(<<<"$url" cut -d@ -f2 | cut -d: -f1)"
port="$(<<<"$url" cut -d@ -f2 | cut -d: -f2)"
# Heroku Redis' TLS socket is documented to be on the next port up from the non-TLS port.
if [[ "$url" == redis:* ]]; then
export REDISCLI_AUTH="$pass"
# Heroku's Redis uses self-signed certs instead of specific CA (even a self-CA)
# we can trust. Ugh. This means active snooping is still possible with MITM,
# but at least passing snooping is blocked.
exec redis.cli --tls -h "$host" -p "$port" --insecure "$@"
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