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Last active August 30, 2020 18:22
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// - create 3 variables:
// - sum: an integer. the total sum of nums without any mutations
// - subSum: an integer. the total sum of the subsequence we are building
// - sub: an empty array. the subsequence we want to build, then return at the end of the solution
// - since we need to return a subsequence with the maximum total sum of all its elements
// - sort nums from least to greatest and iterate from the last element to the first
// - this will allow us to add each element of num so that every sum of the subsequence will be the maximum possible sum of a subsequence
// - this will also allow us to build the subsequence in non-increasing order
// since the last number in nums will always be the largest number in nums,
// we can push each element we iterate through into a new array,
// thus ordering the elements in the new array in non increasing order
// - iterate through nums (which is now sorted) backwards
// - if sum is greater than or equal to subSum,
// - add nums[i] to subSum keep track of the sum of the current subsequence
// - subtract nums[i] from sum to keep track of the sum of non-included numbers
// - push nums[i] into sub to build the subsequence
// - otherwise
// - break out of the iteration
// - once sum is less than subSum,
// - it means we have found:
// - a subsequence whose sum of elements is strictly greater than the sum of the non included elements
// - the subsequence with minimum size, even if there are multiple solutions
// - the subsequence with the maximum total sum of all its elements, even if there are multiple solutions
// - all of the above with the elements of sub in non-increasing order
// - return the subsequence once we break out of the for loop
// - return sub
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