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Created August 3, 2020 13:38
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Flow through S333 by headwater stage category, WY2006-2019
### calculate total flow through S333 below and above 9.2' from WY 2006-2019.
if(!"devtools" %in% installed.packages()) install.packages("devtools", repos='')
if(!"SFNRC" %in% installed.packages()) devtools::install_github("troyhill/SFNRC")
# pull data ---------------------------------------------------------------
s333Flow <- getDBHYDROhydro(dbkey = 91487) # flow
s333stg1 <- getDBHYDROhydro(dbkey = "15616") # 1993-2012, ft NGVD29
s333stg2 <- getDBHYDROhydro(dbkey = "AJ013") # 2012-2020, ft NGVD29
s333stg <- rbind(s333stg1[-nrow(s333stg1), ], s333stg2)
names(s333stg)[ncol(s333stg)] <- "stage"
s333 <- join_all(list(s333Flow, s333stg[, c("date", "stage")]), by = "date")
s333$cat <- ifelse(s333$stage < 9.2, "below 9.2'", "at/above 9.2'")
s333$cat <- factor(s333$cat)
s333 <- seas(s333, timeCol = "date", waterYearBegin = "Nov", wetSeas = c("May", "Oct"))
s333 <- s333[!$day), ]
dd.flow.woNAs <- ddply(s333[(s333$waterYr < 2020) & (s333$waterYr > 2005), ], .(waterYr, cat), summarize,
kacft = sum(value*1.983, na.rm = TRUE) / 1e3 # 1 cfs = 1.983 acre-feet per day
ggplot(dd.flow.woNAs, aes(y = kacft, x = waterYr, fill = factor(cat))) + geom_col(position = position_dodge())
### see the data:
# write.csv(dd.flow.woNAs, "flow_by_stage_20200803.csv", row.names = FALSE)
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