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Last active June 4, 2019 14:12
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fireHydro crontab 20190221
### may be necessary: install dev version of curl for google drive
# install.packages("", repos = NULL)
pkgs.used <- c("devtools", "sf", "ggplot2", "gmailr", "googledrive") <- pkgs.used[!pkgs.used %in% installed.packages()]
if (length( > 0) {
if (!"fireHydro" %in% installed.packages()) {
start.time <- Sys.time()
# setwd("/home/thill")
### output file location can be specified using a command-line argument starting with "outputFolder_"
### e.g., Rscript /home/thill/RDATA/test_cron_20181219.R --outputFolder_/opt/physical/troy/cron_output >output 2>&1
inputArg <- grep(x = commandArgs(), pattern = "--outputFolder_", value = TRUE)
outputFolder <- gsub(x = inputArg, pattern = "--outputFolder_", replacement = "")
if (length(outputFolder) == 0) {
### if no output directory is specified, use this one:
outputFolder <- "/home/thill/RDATA"
### two approaches:
### get today's map (if available):
todaysDate <- gsub(x = Sys.Date(), pattern = "-", replacement = "")
yr <- substr(todaysDate, 1, 4)
### find most recent EDEN data
targetFile <- tail(list.files(paste0("/opt/physical/gis/eden/", yr)),1)
fileNameOnly <- substr(targetFile, 1, nchar(targetFile) - 4)
fileDateOnly <- substr(fileNameOnly, 9, nchar(fileNameOnly))
fileDate2 <- format(x = strptime(x = as.character(fileDateOnly), format = "%Y%m%d"), "%d-%b-%Y")
# a <- sf::st_read(paste0("/opt/physical/gis/eden/", yr, "/", fileNameOnly, ".shp"))
### see if most recent EDEN data has already been processed:
### this line is useful if a shared drive is being used:
outputFolderFiles <- list.files(paste0(outputFolder, "/shp"))
outputFolderFiles.full <- list.files(paste0(outputFolder, "/shp"), full.names = TRUE)
processedDates <- gsub(x = outputFolderFiles, pattern = "fireHydro_|\\.prj|\\.shp|\\.shx|\\.dbf|\\.gpkg", replacement = "")
numericProcessedDates <- sort(as.numeric(unique(gsub(x = outputFolderFiles, pattern = "^[^_]*_|\\.[^_]*$", replacement = ""))), decreasing = TRUE)
### if google drive is being used, check there instead: 20190301: issues with tokens preclude sending email after running this line
# files <- googledrive::drive_find(pattern = "fireHydro|FireSpreadRisk|WaterLevels", verbose = FALSE) # "\\.shp|\\.prj|\\.shx|\\.dbf|\\.pdf")
# processedDates <- sort(as.numeric(unique(gsub(x = files$name, pattern = "^[^_]*_|\\.[^_]*$", replacement = ""))), decreasing = TRUE)
if (!fileDateOnly %in% processedDates) { # if dates are not the same, run fireHydro and email output
### make pdfs and shp for folder
fireHydroFilename <- paste0("fireHydro_", fileDateOnly, ".gpkg")
fireHydro_shapefile <- paste0(outputFolder, "/shp/", fireHydroFilename)
waterLevelPdf <- paste0(outputFolder, "/pdf/WaterLevels_", fileDateOnly, ".pdf")
waterLevelPng <- paste0(outputFolder, "/pdf/WaterLevels_", fileDateOnly, ".png")
fireSpreadPdf <- paste0(outputFolder, "/pdf/FireSpreadRisk_", fileDateOnly, ".pdf")
fireSpreadPng <- paste0(outputFolder, "/pdf/FireSpreadRisk_", fileDateOnly, ".png")
tmp.shp <- fireHydro::getFireHydro(EDEN_date = fileDateOnly,
output_shapefile = NULL, #fireHydro_shapefile,
waterLevelExport = c(waterLevelPdf, waterLevelPng),
returnShp = TRUE,
fireSpreadExport = c(fireSpreadPdf, fireSpreadPng),
figureWidth = 6.5, figureHeight = 4, ggBaseSize = 12,
burnHist = TRUE)
sf::st_write(obj = tmp.shp, dsn = "temp.gpkg", delete_layer = TRUE, update = FALSE, delete_dsn = TRUE)
# rename file - there seems to be some constraint on filenames in sf::st_write
# and copy to physical drive. TODO: add physical drive to trash collection
file.rename("temp.gpkg", fireHydroFilename)
file.copy(fireHydroFilename, fireHydro_shapefile)
### make pngs for emailing - 20190301 - fireHydro v0.0.5 rendered this second command obsolete.
# fireHydro::getFireHydro(EDEN_date = fileDateOnly,
# output_shapefile = NULL,
# waterLevelExport = paste0(outputFolder, "/pdf/WaterLevels_", fileDateOnly, ".png"),
# fireSpreadExport = paste0(outputFolder, "/pdf/FireSpreadRisk_", fileDateOnly, ".png"),
# figureWidth = 6.5, figureHeight = 4, ggBaseSize = 12)
# sf::st_write(obj = BICY_EVER_PlanningUnits, "deleteMeNow.shp",
# delete_layer = TRUE, driver = "ESRI Shapefile")
# email output ------------------------------------------------------------
# Store html body as a variable per
body <- paste0("Attached are updated maps showing water levels and estimated fire spread risk for ", fileDate2, ". Shapefile and pdf versions of these maps are available on google drive:
This is an automated email sent when new EDEN water level data are available.")
mime() %>%
to(c("", "",
"", "",
"", "",
"")) %>%
bcc("") %>%
from("") %>%
text_body(body = "Lorem ipsum") -> text_msg
### use during testing:
# mime() %>%
# to(c("")) %>%
# from("") %>%
# text_body(body = "lorem ipsum") -> text_msg
### linux
text_msg %>%
subject(paste0("Fire-hydro output: ", fileDate2)) %>%
attach_part(body) %>%
attach_file(waterLevelPng) %>% attach_file(fireSpreadPng) -> file_attachment
# tryMessage <- function(emailMessage, maxAttempts = 5) {
# r <- NULL
# attempt <- 0
# while( is.null(r) && attempt <= maxAttempts ) {
# attempt <- attempt + 1
# try(
# r <- gmailr::send_message(emailMessage)
# return(1)
# )
# }
# }
# tryMessage(emailMessage = file_attachment)
# Upload files to google drive --------------------------------------------------
mediaInput = waterLevelPdf,
pathInput = "FireHydro output/pdf/")
mediaInput = fireSpreadPdf,
pathInput = "FireHydro output/pdf/")
mediaInput = fireHydroFilename,
pathInput = "FireHydro output/shp/")
if (grepl(x = fireHydroFilename, pattern = "\\.shp")) {
# if a .shp is produced, upload all associated files.
mediaInput = gsub(x = fireHydroFilename, pattern = "\\.shp", replacement = "\\.shx"),
pathInput = "FireHydro output/shp/")
mediaInput = gsub(x = fireHydroFilename, pattern = "\\.shp", replacement = "\\.prj"),
pathInput = "FireHydro output/shp/")
mediaInput = gsub(x = fireHydroFilename, pattern = "\\.shp", replacement = "\\.dbf"),
pathInput = "FireHydro output/shp/")
# Clean up google drive ---------------------------------------------------
files <- googledrive::drive_find(pattern = "fireHydro|FireSpreadRisk|WaterLevels", verbose = FALSE) # "\\.shp|\\.prj|\\.shx|\\.dbf|\\.pdf")
processedDates_goog <- sort(as.numeric(unique(gsub(x = files$name, pattern = "^[^_]*_|\\.[^_]*$", replacement = ""))), decreasing = TRUE)
if (length(processedDates_goog) > 3) { # select the most recent three entries, if more than three entries are present
processedDates_goog <- processedDates_goog[1:3]
# dates to preserve
targetPattern <- unlist(paste(processedDates_goog, collapse="|"))
# identify ids containing these dates and "fireHydro"
targetIDs <- grep(x = files$name, pattern = targetPattern, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
toBeRemoved <- files[files$name %in% targetIDs, ] # necessary bc googledrive works with tibbles
if (length(targetIDs) > 0) {
# Clean up local files ----------------------------------------------------
# identify most recent three dates after new files have been created
outputFolderFiles_end <- list.files(paste0(outputFolder, "/shp"), full.names = TRUE)
numericProcessedDates_end <- sort(as.numeric(unique(gsub(x = outputFolderFiles_end, pattern = "^[^_]*_|\\.[^_]*$", replacement = ""))), decreasing = TRUE)
if (length(numericProcessedDates_end) > 3) { # reduce to the most recent three entries, if more than three entries are present
numericProcessedDates_end <- numericProcessedDates_end[1:3]
# Remove all shapefiles except the most recent three dates
targetPattern_local <- unlist(paste(numericProcessedDates_end, collapse="|"))
# identify ids containing these dates and "fireHydro"
targetIDs_local <- grep(x = outputFolderFiles_end, pattern = targetPattern_local, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
# toBeRemoved_local <- outputFolderFiles.full[outputFolderFiles.full %in% targetIDs_local] # this seems strictly duplicative.
if (length(targetIDs_local) > 0) {
cat("\n removed file(s):\n", paste0(targetIDs_local, "\n"), "\n")
# Remove all pdfs/pngs except the most recent three dates
outputFolderFiles.png <- list.files(paste0(outputFolder, "/pdf"), full.names = TRUE)
# identify ids containing these dates and "fireHydro"
targetIDs_png <- grep(x = outputFolderFiles.png, pattern = targetPattern_local, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
# toBeRemoved_png <- outputFolderFiles.png[outputFolderFiles.png %in% targetIDs_png] # this seems strictly duplicative.
if (length(targetIDs_png) > 0) {
cat("\n removed file(s):\n", paste0(targetIDs_png, "\n"), "\n")
cat("\n\n DEBUGGING pdf removal \n\n",
"length(targetIDs_png) = ", length(targetIDs_png), "\n",
"grep(x = outputFolderFiles.png, pattern = targetPattern_local, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE) yields ",
grep(x = outputFolderFiles.png, pattern = targetPattern_local, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE),
"\n grep(x = outputFolderFiles.png, pattern = targetPattern_local, value = TRUE, invert = FALSE) yields ",
grep(x = outputFolderFiles.png, pattern = targetPattern_local, value = TRUE, invert = FALSE),
"\n where outputFolderFiles.png = ",
"\n and targetPattern_local = ",
### now clean up files created by this script
if (file.exists(fireHydroFilename)) {
# Delete file if it exists
cat("removed file: ", fireHydroFilename)
timeChange <- round(difftime(Sys.time(), start.time, units = "mins"), 1)
cat("\n", "script run time: ", timeChange, " mins", "\n\n")
# Notify me of successful script completion even if no new product --------
if (timeChange < 3) {
body <- paste0("fire-hydro script ran successfully in ",
timeChange, " minutes, with no new output. The most recent EDEN data is from ", fileDate2, "
mime() %>%
to("") %>%
from("") %>%
text_body(body = "lorem ipsum") -> text_msg
### linux
text_msg %>%
subject(paste0("Fire-hydro script completion")) %>%
html_body(body) %>%
attach_part(body) -> msg
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