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Last active December 16, 2015 19:59
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R function to pick out high and low tides from a dataset of tidal water levels
### Important note: I'm no longer maintaining this gist, since this code is incorporated into the
### VulnToolkit package.
### Because it's not being maintained, the code below might not work. The latest, updated version
### is available at
### Function to pick out high and low tides from a dataset of tidal water levels
### Arguments:
### - "level" is a numeric vector of water levels.
### - "time" is a vector (numeric or POSIX*) indicating the time of water level measurements. Units must be minutes.
### - "period" is a single numeric or integer estimate of tidal period (full tidal cycle). Units must be hours.
### - "phantom" (TRUE by default) is a protective measure taken to prevent the inclusion of an artificial
### high or low tide at the end of the dataset. If the water level measurements
### end precisely at a low or high tide, this can be changed to FALSE.
### - "tides" is used to optionally subset the output to include only high or low tides.
### This argument can be "all" (default), "H", or "L"
### Function returns a 3-column dataframe with date/time, water level, and a H/L indicator.
### Have a problem? Find a bug? Email
HL <- function(level, time, period = 13, phantom = TRUE, tides = "all") {
# Check arguments
if(is.numeric(level) == FALSE)
stop("invalid entry: 'level' must be numeric")
if(is.numeric(time) == FALSE & class(time)[1] != "POSIXlt" & class(time)[1] != "POSIXct" )
stop("invalid entry: 'time' must be numeric or POSIX*")
if(is.numeric(period) == FALSE & class(period) != "integer")
stop("invalid entry: 'period' must be numeric")
if(tides != "all" & tides != "L" & tides != "H")
stop("invalid entry: 'tides' must be 'all', 'H', or 'L'")
# Set locals
partial.tide <- period * 60 * 60 # seconds <- as.numeric( time[2] ) - as.numeric( time[1] ) # seconds
wll.2 <- data.frame(1:length(level), level, time)
width <- partial.tide /
# Find high tides
t.x <- which.max(level[1:(1 + width)])
for(i in 1:length(level)) {
if(![i] + 0.5 * width)) {
temp <- which.max(level[(t.x[i] + 0.5 * width) : (t.x[i] + 1.25 * width)])
val <- temp - 1 + (t.x[i] + 0.5 * width)
t.x <- rbind(t.x, val)
} else t.x <- t.x
ht <- wll.2[t.x[,1], ] # filters high tides from initial dataset, including dates/times
ht$tide <- rep("H", nrow(ht))
# Repeat process for low tides
t.y <- which.min(level[1:(1 + width)])
for(i in 1:length(level)) {
if(![i] + 0.5 * width)) {
temp <- which.min(level[(t.y[i] + 0.5 * width) : (t.y[i] + 1.25 * width)])
val <- temp - 1 + (t.y[i] + 0.5 * width)
t.y <- rbind(t.y, val)
} else t.y <- t.y
lt <- wll.2[t.y[,1], ]
lt$tide <- rep("L", nrow(lt))
if(tides == "H") {
hl <- ht[,-1] # removes index variable
rownames(hl) <- seq(length=nrow(hl)) # re-numbers rows, mostly for aesthetics
if(phantom == TRUE) {
hl <- hl[-nrow(hl), ]
} else if (phantom == FALSE) {
hl <- hl
} else stop("invalid entry: 'phantom' must be 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' ")
} else if(tides == "L") {
hl <- lt[,-1]
rownames(hl) <- seq(length=nrow(hl))
if(phantom == TRUE) {
hl <- hl[-nrow(hl), ]
} else if (phantom == FALSE) {
hl <- hl
} else stop("invalid entry: 'phantom' must be 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' ")
} else if(tides == "all") {
hl <- rbind(ht, lt)
hl <- hl[order(hl[,1]),]
hl <- hl[,-1]
rownames(hl) <- seq(length=nrow(hl))
if(phantom == TRUE) {
hl <- hl[-nrow(hl), ]
} else if (phantom == FALSE) {
hl <- hl
} else stop("invalid entry: 'phantom' must be 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' ")
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