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Last active February 22, 2019 01:43
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package main
import (
type Position struct{
X int
Y int
type Node struct {
p Position
father Position
func canJump(position Position,c_map *[10][9]int) bool{
if position.X >= 0 && position.Y>=0 && position.X <= 9 && position.Y <= 8 && c_map[position.X][position.Y] == 0 {
return true
}else {
return false
func findHorseNextJump(p Position, c_map *[10][9]int) (nextPositions []Position){
// 查看马的8个方向移动是否可行
nextPositions = []Position{}
p1 := Position{p.X + 1, p.Y + 2}
if canJump(p1,c_map){
nextPositions = append(nextPositions, p1)
p2 := Position{p.X + 1, p.Y - 2}
if canJump(p2,c_map){
nextPositions = append(nextPositions, p2)
p3 := Position{p.X + 2, p.Y + 1}
if canJump(p3,c_map){
nextPositions = append(nextPositions, p3)
p4 := Position{p.X + 2, p.Y - 1}
if canJump(p4,c_map){
nextPositions = append(nextPositions, p4)
p5 := Position{p.X - 1, p.Y + 2}
if canJump(p5,c_map){
nextPositions = append(nextPositions, p5)
p6 := Position{p.X - 1, p.Y - 2}
if canJump(p6,c_map){
nextPositions = append(nextPositions, p6)
p7 := Position{p.X - 2, p.Y + 1}
if canJump(p7,c_map){
nextPositions = append(nextPositions, p7)
p8 := Position{p.X - 2, p.Y - 1}
if canJump(p8,c_map){
nextPositions = append(nextPositions, p8)
func main(){
cheseMap := [10][9]int{}
horsePosition := Position{0,0}
targetPosition := Position{0,1}
//存放马节点的队列 用来做广度优先搜索
horseQueue := []Node{}
horseQueue = append(horseQueue,Node{horsePosition,Position{-1,-1}})
// map 存放节点 和父亲节点信息
fatherMap := map[string]Node{}
found := false
lastNode := Node{}
for !found {
new_node := horseQueue[0]
new_p := new_node.p
horseQueue = horseQueue[1:]
cheseMap[new_p.X][new_p.Y] = 1
//记录当前节点和其父节点 方便之后找到节点后找出路径
key := strconv.Itoa(new_p.X) + ":" + strconv.Itoa(new_p.Y)
fatherMap[key] = new_node
if new_p.X == targetPosition.X && new_p.Y == targetPosition.Y{
fmt.Printf("path %v", new_p)
lastNode = new_node
found = true
child := findHorseNextJump(new_p, &cheseMap)
for _,p := range child{
horseQueue = append(horseQueue,Node{p,new_p})
for lastNode.father.X != -1 && lastNode.father.Y!=-1{
key := strconv.Itoa(lastNode.father.X) + ":" + strconv.Itoa(lastNode.father.Y)
lastNode = fatherMap[key]
fmt.Printf("<- %v",lastNode.p)
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