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Last active June 22, 2019 00:58
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AutoLeaf v0.0.2-ALPHA
require 'discordrb'
require 'hash_dot'; Hash.use_dot_syntax = Hash.hash_dot_use_default = true
require 'json'
include Discordrb
AwaitingJudgement = {}
module AutoLeaf
extend EventContainer
extend Commands::CommandContainer
ready do
log 'Ready!'
Client.playing = ''
command :ping do 'Pong!' end
command :info do |e|
e.send_embed {|embed|
embed.title = 'AutoLeaf v0.0.2-ALPHA'
embed.description = <<~info
Immediately bans the following things when a new member joins:
- links in name
- "add me SomeName (tag) 1234"
- Instant leavers (after 3 offenses)
Offenders will be banned from all servers AutoLeaf protects, and instant-leavers will be tracked cross-server.
This is not designed to be a permanent solution! This is simply a patch to help slightly alleviate the current issues until Discord gets it figured out.
[Invite to Server](#{Client.invite_url(permission_bits: 18436)})
[Creator's Website](
[Support Server](
embed.color = 0x0da55e
member_join do |e|
next ban(e) if e.member.username =~ /discord\.gg/
next ban(e) if e.member.username =~ /discord\.me/
next ban(e) if e.member.username =~ /paypal\.me/
next ban(e) if e.member.username =~ /bit\.ly/
next ban(e) if e.member.username =~ /twitch\.tv/
next ban(e) if e.member.username =~ /sekr0\.tk/
next ban(e) if e.member.username =~ /twitter\.com/
next ban(e) if e.member.username =~ /add me .+ ?\(tag\) ?\d{4}/
next ban(e) if e.member.username =~ /pls add .+ ?\(tag\) ?\d{4}/
sleep 5
e.server.delete_member( # Clear member from cache
ban(e, true) unless e.server.member(
def self.ban(event, lenient=false)
if lenient
AwaitingJudgement[] ||= 0
AwaitingJudgement[] += 1
return log "#{event.member.distinct} (#{}) has received #{AwaitingJudgement[]} auto-leaver offenses" if AwaitingJudgement[] < 3
Client.servers.each {|_,server|
server.ban(event.member, 1, reason: lenient ? "Repeated auto-leaving offenses across various servers" : "Known advertisement schemes in username")
log $!.message
log "Banned #{event.member.distinct} (#{}) from #{Client.servers.length} servers"
def log str
puts str
File.write('latest.log', str+"\n", mode: 'a')
Client =
client_id: '475451768403263498',
ignore_bots: true,
help_command: false,
prefix: 'leaf.'
Client.set_user_permission(204718116020682753, 999)
Client.include! AutoLeaf do loop do case gets.chomp
when "rs", "restart" then exec "./autoleaf.bat"
when "st", "stop" then Client.stop
when /^sh(?:ell)? (.*)/ then system $1
when /^ev(?:al)? (.*)/ then begin puts eval($1).inspect
rescue Exception => e; puts e.message end
end end end
source ''
gem 'discordrb', git: ''
gem 'hash_dot'
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natewu commented Aug 6, 2018

Thanks Tripl3dogdare!

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dedmen commented Aug 7, 2018

Thanks! Now I can finally autoban all these pls add tripl3dogdare (tag) bots :D

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