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Created March 29, 2023 17:08
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Created using remix-ide: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// compiler version must be greater than or equal to 0.8.17 and less than 0.9.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
contract MoneyFund {
struct Participant {
string fullName;
int piority;
uint joinedDate;
address walletAddress;
struct VoteData {
string reason;
Voter[] voters;
bool isDone;
struct Voter {
address voterAddress;
bool isVoted;
struct StakingData {
Participant user;
uint amount;
uint date;
mapping(address => Participant) participantMap;
address[] participantKeys;
mapping(address => StakingData[]) stakingDataMapPerUser;
StakingData[] stackingDatas;
uint256 totalStacking;
mapping(string => VoteData) votes; //key: tên của cái cần vote (withdraw_1000usdt_ios_dev) value: result của vote (60%)
function joinGroup(string memory name, int piority, address walletAddress) public {
require(isJoined(msg.sender), "User already exist.");
Participant storage joiner = participantMap[msg.sender];
joiner.fullName = name;
joiner.piority = piority;
joiner.joinedDate = block.timestamp;
joiner.walletAddress = msg.sender;
function outGroup() public {
require(!isJoined(msg.sender), "User is not join in the group.");
// Remove participant in mapping
delete participantMap[msg.sender];
function listParticipants() public view returns(Participant[] memory) {
uint totalParticipant = participantKeys.length;
Participant[] memory participants = new Participant[](totalParticipant);
for(uint i = 0; i < totalParticipant; i ++) {
participants[i] = participantMap[participantKeys[i]];
return participants;
function stack(uint amount) public {
require(!isJoined(msg.sender), "User is not join in the group.");
// Get user by address
Participant memory user = participantMap[msg.sender];
// add data map for user
StakingData[] storage stackingDataPerUser = stakingDataMapPerUser[msg.sender];
user: user,
amount: amount,
date: block.timestamp
// add data map for
user: user,
amount: amount,
date: block.timestamp
// increase amount
totalStacking += amount;
function withdraw(uint amount, address walletAddress) public {
function vote(string memory _voteKey) public {
Participant memory voter = participantMap[msg.sender];
// require(voter, ) // tồn tại, đã vote chưa
VoteData storage voteData = votes[_voteKey];
// require not null
voterAddress: msg.sender,
isVoted: true
// internal check vote
bool isVoteDone = _checkVotes();
if (isVoteDone) {
// tinh phan tram ti dong thuan la bn?
voteData.isDone = true;
function _checkVotes() internal returns(bool) {
function createVote(string memory _voteKey, string memory _reason) public {
VoteData storage voteData = votes[_voteKey];
voteData.reason = _reason;
voteData.isDone = false;
emit CreatedVote(); // khi tạo xong sẽ push event(scaner sẽ bắt được event => bắn notice về user)
function getTotal() public returns(uint256) {
require(!isJoined(msg.sender), "You are not in the group.");
return totalStacking;
/* Event function */
event CreatedVote();
// khi call withdraw, tất cả part phải vote
// 1. Team rút 1000 usdt ra thuê 1 IOS dev
// 2. team vote xem có rút không?
// 3. Khi người cuối cùng vote xong, smart contract tự động check result (vote * piority) > 50% ==> rút tiền
// Create vote function: id
/*Private function*/
function isJoined(address walletAddress) internal returns(bool) {
Participant memory existParticipant = participantMap[walletAddress];
if(bytes(existParticipant.fullName).length == bytes("").length
&& existParticipant.piority == 0
&& existParticipant.joinedDate == 0
) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function deleteInParticipantKeys(address walletAddress) internal {
uint totalParticipant = participantKeys.length;
if(totalParticipant == 0) {
if(totalParticipant == 1 && participantKeys[0] == walletAddress) {
uint removerIndex;
for(uint i = 0; i < totalParticipant; i ++) {
if(participantKeys[i] == msg.sender) {
removerIndex = i;
if (removerIndex == 0 && participantKeys[0] == walletAddress) {
participantKeys[0] = participantKeys[totalParticipant - 1];
} else if(removerIndex < totalParticipant) {
participantKeys[removerIndex] = participantKeys[totalParticipant - 1];
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